What brand of belt

01 srx try and find the yamaha 8dn-00 belt. can,t order it anymore. e bay or old dealer stock. now you can run a 8dn-01 but there are afew differences. 3:16 (yammie tony)
YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:
01 srx try and find the yamaha 8dn-00 belt. can,t order it anymore. e bay or old dealer stock. now you can run a 8dn-01 but there are afew differences. 3:16 (yammie tony)

What is the difference?
big post on this some time back. 8dn- 01 is for current 4 strokes. 8dn-00 was for srx, viper, sxr. length is same , width was slightly different. some were measured and all together different. i can,t pst results because i use 00 on my srx,s. 3:16 (yammie tony)
right on... off to ebay i go... my goal for this winter is to actually get my sled to turn the rpm it should... the guy i bought it from had heel clickers installed by F&S in hanover, he said not to mess with the clutching but i think he is wrong because it is down like 1000 rpm (something might be wore out)
You can still order the 8DN-00 $67.00 each. I picked up a couple of good used spares on ebay just the other day for $15.00 each.
Where did you find the 8DN-00's at?There was a couple on eBay towards the end of the winter that I didn't bid on and of course someone else got them but haven't been able to find any since.
fourbarrel said:
Where did you find the 8DN-00's at?There was a couple on eBay towards the end of the winter that I didn't bid on and of course someone else got them but haven't been able to find any since.

Partzilla, I just checked on it today and it looks like they have them.
partzilla, not yamaha. 00 belt is discontinued. go to you local yamaha dealer and try and order a 00, you will get a 01. tyler, heel clickers easy to tune. replace both springs in your clutches first, than if it still dose it , you need extra tuneing washers and screws. and a gram scale. those are good weight. don,t give up on them. 3:16 (yammie tony)
YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:
partzilla, not yamaha. 00 belt is discontinued. go to you local yamaha dealer and try and order a 00, you will get a 01. tyler, heel clickers easy to tune. replace both springs in your clutches first, than if it still dose it , you need extra tuneing washers and screws. and a gram scale. those are good weight. don,t give up on them. 3:16 (yammie tony)

Partzilla sells OEM yamaha parts, it shows that the 00 is still available. I'm going to give them a call on monday to see for sure.
not saying partszilla don,t have one, they probley do. buddie of mine ordered a 00 for his 2001 srx in dec. 01 came in. dealer told him yamaha superseeded part number to 01. who knows. like i posted, sure their out there. 3:16 (YAMMIE TONY)
shaggyzr2 said:
Partzilla sells OEM yamaha parts, it shows that the 00 is still available. I'm going to give them a call on monday to see for sure.

No such belt anymore, like 3:16 said . Trust me I search high and low. E bay is the only place left to get old ones "new". If they have them let us know.
I'm sure you're right on that but I'll call anyways just for the heck of it. I do know of a place that has alot of NOS yam parts near where I live I'll see if he's got any.
buy yamahaaaha belt and run it ,,, tune if needed...... not much diff..........
YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:
heel clickers easy to tune. replace both springs in your clutches first, than if it still dose it , you need extra tuneing washers and screws. and a gram scale. those are good weight. don,t give up on them. 3:16 (yammie tony)

im not giving up on them, i just dont believe the setup is as good as it can get like the previous owner claimed... i haven't even inspected the setup... i just have jumped on it and rode what little snow we have got the last 2 years....

last year i tore a new OEM belt up in like 20 miles, and that was a real waste of money... so this year i want to figure out what is going on with this drivetrain.

it may have been a defective belt tho since i finished the 140mile ride on a used aftermarket belt and didnt have a problem
