tunnel with no VIN


Jan 18, 2009
Sabattus, Maine, United States
Anybody know if replacement tunnels came unstamped? picked up a srx today with no numbers. All the rivets that you'd need to change the tunnel arent stock either. other than that the decals and color are all correct.
had an sx once that was dropped in the crate at the local dealer, they put a new tunnel in it and it had no numbers.

I just got the smashed tunnel too, sent it with the sled when i got rid of it too just in case someone ever wanted the numbers for some reason.
all I have is an old registration I found in the seat. that's all I need to register it here in Maine but it might be a problem if I ever try to sell it and someone from another state wants it.
I have one to with no vin it also has all the holes for 121 or 136 skid
My tunnel was replaced when I only had 350 miles on the sled. The dealer stamped the vin# on the new tunnel. You can(and should) do the same thing
years ago, in a yamaha service manual for any of their sleds, it said they should match, but could be two numbers off. although i never seen that. 3:16 (yammie tony)
