My sxr project


Dec 17, 2012
Brandon, MB
UPDATED PIC feb 2016

done a few things to it lately

ok so here we go. Right now its about 30 deg Celsius out and I've ordered $900 in parts for the sled.

here is is right now. has 2" riser and a 1" picked track, otherwise stock.

So here's the plan:

136" Hartman kit ordered
new 21t top gear and chain

136" cobra 1.325 track ordered (a few cracked lugs, but got it for $300 shipped)

planning on boring the silencer as well

still have to mess with the riser and what to extend for bigger riser

probably end up getting some better wider skis sometime (any suggestions?)

The plan is to have a fun ditch banger/hill sled (no mountains in Manitoba!)
that I can still trail ride as well.

I have never really done any mechanical work on sleds before but consider myself good with my hands. hopefully everything goes well.
Luckily I have a week of holidays and access to my dads shop the last week of aug, so now I've got something to do ;)!

Any idea what a 121" picked down the center 1" track in good condition (few cracked lugs) is worth? I cant for the life of me remember the make of it :o| . I'm thinking $200-$300 possibly?

Any suggestions welcome. I'll try to kepp you guys updated and the pics rolling in ;)!
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HOLY CRAP thats my old sled!!!!!! Where did you get it from? Are you the guy i sold it to at haydays or did you buy it from somebody up there? I sold it in 08. Dont worry about boring out the silencer because its already done. The track is a camoplast predator. You just made my day and im glad to see it hasnt rotted away. Anything you want to know PM me.
Blue Hornet said:
HOLY CRAP thats my old sled!!!!!! Where did you get it from? Are you the guy i sold it to at haydays or did you buy it from somebody up there? I sold it in 08. Dont worry about boring out the silencer because its already done. The track is a camoplast predator. You just made my day and im glad to see it hasnt rotted away. Anything you want to know PM me.

Pm'd you. cool how things work like this!
The GYTR yamaha 5.5 inch skis are good skis, I have them on my sx and they work good in deep snow. there is a set of blue ones on Ebay right now.
I've got a set of simmons dual carbide skis in black. They float good in powder, but are also great on the trail. Let me know if interested.
viperking said:
I've got a set of simmons dual carbide skis in black. They float good in powder, but are also great on the trail. Let me know if interested.

Do they have the carbides, mount kit and loop? ill let you know when im ready to buy if the price is right.
ok so I got all the parts in, minus the longer hyfax. Will pick one up tomorrow hopefully. Ready to got for tomorrow morning.

last picture as a short track

new to me track

Hartman stuff. It all looks pretty nice and sturdy too.

ok got some work done today but it was too damn hot out. 34 feeling like 39 deg Celsius. So glad my parents have a pool to chill in.

found some damage but it is getting taken off anyway. the bumper was slightly bent too. straightened it out though.

removed all the soon to be useless stuff

got the coolant lines plumed up. After bleeding the line the best we could I rolled it outside to test it all out. All the heat exchangers warmed up really nice so I think I got all the air out. I'll have to keep and eye on it the first ride of the season.

got the hose covers on but im going to leave the bumper cover off. I'll just paint the bumper black. I'm liking the look of it now.

The tunnel extension could have been trimmed down but i would rather have it like this for storage and so it doesn't eat the flap again. Also picked up some longer hyfax's and chain case oil as well.

tomorrow i will take apart all the rails and suspension.
Thanks guys i'll look into it.

got some stuff done today. The skid is all put together, longer hyfax is on and everything it greased up. Everything went pretty smooth as well. I like the look of it and it sure looks solid too. I would definitely recommend Hartman products again.

Now the driveshaft on the other hand was a pita. Took a few hours and a lot of bolts that had to come off. but its out and ready to go. Removed protectors after as well.

my salute to the shaft

The speedo bearing was cracked so I went and picked a new one up. It turned out to be a little smaller on the outside diameter and now there's some play in it when its in the flange. I'll be returning it and picking up a different one tomorrow morning. So now I'll have to wait until tomorrow to do any more.
Nothing wrong with a viper bumper but you will want a nytro or apex bumper. The viper bumper sits on the inside of the tunnel and you want to stick with a bumper that sits on the outside of the tunnel with the hartman extensions and coolant hose covers. Plus you would have to drill holes in your extension to accept the viper bumper. Nytro/apex only way to go!! Apex bumpers on a 144 viper. Same tunnel, ext and hose covers as your using.
set my SXR up to a 144 last Spring also.Make sure you install idler wheels at the point where your old rear wheels were at the rear.Will help with hyfax wear.Here is my post on my extension if you want to check something out.To bad we don't live closer to each other,about a couple hours away from each other..Good luck and you will love the ride after,I loved how my performed,Can't wait for some deep powder.
as for skis that will float,I am looking to purchase some Powder Pro ski's..they are supposed to be an excellent ski for the powder.Want to get them in Blue of course..Saving my coins up for them now.


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I love the salute to the driveshaft!!! Thats about the only way to feel better about it. When i took out the original track i had the same feelings. Make sure you check the w arm (front shock) for cracks near the welds which are common. The less you have to rip out the suspension the better your life will be. I apologize for the bent bumper and alum. lip my buddy tagged me years ago with his rev. His looked alot worse! Keep up the good work.
bluemonster1 said:
set my SXR up to a 144 last Spring also.Make sure you install idler wheels at the point where your old rear wheels were at the rear.Will help with hyfax wear.Here is my post on my extension if you want to check something out.To bad we don't live closer to each other,about a couple hours away from each other..Good luck and you will love the ride after,I loved how my performed,Can't wait for some deep powder.

Most of my riding is near portage, since I store my sled there at my parents. I have read you build a few times to help me understand a few things and I loved how yours looked. It definitely helped me out a lot.

Blue Hornet said:
I love the salute to the driveshaft!!! Thats about the only way to feel better about it. When i took out the original track i had the same feelings. Make sure you check the w arm (front shock) for cracks near the welds which are common. The less you have to rip out the suspension the better your life will be. I apologize for the bent bumper and alum. lip my buddy tagged me years ago with his rev. His looked alot worse! Keep up the good work.

ya it all went together a lot smoother. No problem on the bumper it was only a rev and there's too many out there already haha. Oh and I double checked the millage and its only at 7700 miles or so. the second owner must have never ridden it since I put on 5-6 hundred miles on it last season.

on to pictures

I put my shovel back but it will now be for digging out my dads sled only.

Overall I really like how it turned out. At time I was getting frustrated with it but its done. Now I know a lot more how my sled really works and how to take it apart. I put a new speedo bearing in and greased it all up. Everything else looked to be in great shape.I might do a few more things before the snow flies but for now this is how it will sit.
Great job, looks awesome! The last year i had it we had a huge storm and i actually got stuck in my backyard. It trenched so bad and i threw out my back and it has never been the same since. I should have done what you did. Now i pay the chiropractor monthly!
