My sxr project

the only one with a hitch was an old indy 500, and i guess the four of us that had to help push to get it to the trail haha. got stuck 4 times along the way
So winter is coming and i will be bringing the sled to my new place and do a once over of everything nxt weekend. Now Im thinking of gearing down a bit more. Ive dropped one tooth on top (68L chain) but am thinking of dropping another one or two. I think i topped it out once last year so top speed is not huge to me. just ditch banging and playing in the hills. Will this effect my clutching at all?
brought it to its new home this weekend. put together a quick deck so i can move it myself. easy to move off and on when needed and dont need any help.

all settled in and ready to do a little work before the snow flies.

Did a quick compression test last week and had 120 psi in all cylinders. Its got 8100 miles on it right now. awesome to see everything is as it should be on a 14 year old sled with that many miles on it.

bought a bender can for this year as well.
i was tired of being the quiet one in the group haha. love it so far but we need more snow!
Hows it going for you this season? Nice videos. That was me commenting. Listen to mine and see what you think is done with can. Speedo close-up is probably the easiest one to hear it.
Hows it going for you this season? Nice videos. That was me commenting. Listen to mine and see what you think is done with can. Speedo close-up is probably the easiest one to hear it.

My very late reply haha.

well last season sucked! had almost no snow and only put 2 tanks of fuel through it. Im no good with knowing srx stuff so i really cant help.

This years prep begins! Gotta clean the carbs soon, also going to get someone to clean/service the clutches i think. Getiing the rear shocks rebuilt and possibly newer springs and some drop brackets too. Hoping for more snow this year and lots of riding!
Triple pipes may be in my future im thinking now!

Going to check out an sx 600 triple with 2 bad pistons. only 3400 kms and in real nice shape from what i can tell. Its got pipes that ill swap out and then rebuild the 600 to sell it once the snow flies. Hopefully find out why it blew and nothing catastrophic. Should be easier than parting it out and still make some cash. Anything to look for specificity? Other than the obvious abuse sled take?
So i bought a new project.

will start a new thread for my many questions.

also anyone have hauck pipes with the jetting and clutch specs for a 700? i have heel clickers now if it makes a difference. also im running no rear cooler. putting my stock one back in will work or the srx one necessary?

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Wrapped the tunnel yesterday and turned out not bad i think. Also have a shorter taller seat getting covered now and will be done soon i hope. rebuilt and revalved the shocks so all thats left is to re jet for the pipes and put my rear cooler on. Woke up to a snow covered yard today so its coming soon.
Second projects are fun! Except when your #1 project isn't finished haha. Pending on what type of riding you're doing may decide what type of cooler you'll need. If you're trail riding, minimal snow at times, long pulls... I'd go for the srx. If this sled is a ditch banger I'd run the stock cooler.
keep up the good work.It is snowing here steady as well and looking good.

Lucky guys out east of here with snow! not much here but i think im almost ready to go with mine

Second projects are fun! Except when your #1 project isn't finished haha. Pending on what type of riding you're doing may decide what type of cooler you'll need. If you're trail riding, minimal snow at times, long pulls... I'd go for the srx. If this sled is a ditch banger I'd run the stock cooler.

I was looking forward to it but once i got into it there was more issues than i saw at first. rear skid was not great, hole in front cooler and 1 bad crank bearing. so i parted it all out and kept some spare parts for mine. Finally got to tear one right apart and learned a lot about them.

Oh andmine is more of a ditch banger so stock cooler going back on.

I think im almost ready! pipes are on and jetted properly, shocks rebuilt, and a few other pre season things done.

This idles way better now is seems. I had bigger pilots in and it had a bad idle hang and warm starts took a few pulls but with the proper jets it just comes back to a nice purr at idle and fires up first pull warm. Im surprised how quiet these pipes are too, but fine by me. No one will suspect much from it then haha. The bender can i had you could hear for a mile lol.

I wrapped the tunnel and am getting a seat i made/molded re-upholstered as we speak.

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Those look like the simons pipes,that hauck used as his own. Those pipes are quiet at idle.... When the engine gets up over 6/7000 rpms, they scream!
