hey people, i was wondering what size lug i can fit under my 2000 srx if i took the guardds out?, thanks
Active member
With stock 9 tooth drivers, 1 1/4" lug is about as tall as you want to run.
i got a 99 srx and i run a 1.5 inch with 144 studs down the middle. now keep in mind i had to shave the tunnel protectors in half,put front and rear heat exchanger protectors on, notch the track where the protectors are and run my track a lil tight but it is awesome in deep snow. ive put about 2100 miles on it like this with no problems. and yes i have 9 tooth drivers
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I have an 01 with stock drivers running a camoplast X-country 1.5 with NO STUDs. NO protectors, with track looser then spec it wads up and rubs front x changer while braking.
With the protectors out I have ran a back country 1.75 and sno cross 1.75 without any problems on a stock 2000 srx
needaSRX said:With the protectors out I have ran a back country 1.75 and sno cross 1.75 without any problems on a stock 2000 srx
X2, I also have ran up to a 1.75" on a srx with protectors removed, no problems but it would spit a chunk of ice out every once in a while.....however the sled works even better with a 1.50" lug, seems that the extra bit of clearance helps to keep the snow build up out of the front of the track/heat exchanger, the top speed picked up quite a bit by trimming the lug down to 1.5" from the 1.75". it still dug in awesome and then had decent topend with a big lug track.