Will trail porting an otherwise stock SRX engine raise the peak revs for the hp from 84-8500?I clutched my 01 with a setup from Don and it seems to be right on my rev mark now but I was just curious if I should be shooting for a different rev ceiling.

trail ported with stock pipes stick to the 8500 peak rpm. the pipes really dictate the peak rpm. besides that the srx cdi timing drops off sharply if you go much higher
Active member
if the porting is working (added hp increase), you should need to reclutch. 3:16 (yammie tony)
It's clutched pretty spot on now with a setup of Dons and I'm happy with that aspect of it now.It may stand a bit more cam angle but I don't have the money to throw around on a bunch of helixs to test with but I am keeping my eye open for one in an angle cut in what I think I'd like to try.
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more hp with any port job usually means more weight in primary. and thats always a good thing. even a simple trail port. 3:16 (yammie tony)
I will let u know about it guy ill probably go to jaws dyno .....im pretty sure if u keep the same rpm u loooze hp ...my friend red head finish the dyno at 9400...im pretty sure I will be around 9000 too ...we have very similar porting ....
depends on how its ported, but the pipes(length) will dictate the rpm more then the exhaust port will to a certain degree, it just depends if its raised which will require more rpm or widened which will keep the same rpm. You have a little bit of wiggle room on raising it a bit and gaining hp at the same peak rpm where it was stock.
The only way to know is to dyno the engine set up if whoever ported it didnt give you the information on where the peak hp will be. On a srx with stock pipes you are not going to be able to run it past 8650-8700rpm with the stock cdi or it will for sure lose peak hp.
The only way to know is to dyno the engine set up if whoever ported it didnt give you the information on where the peak hp will be. On a srx with stock pipes you are not going to be able to run it past 8650-8700rpm with the stock cdi or it will for sure lose peak hp.
mrviper700 said:depends on how its ported, but the pipes(length) will dictate the rpm more then the exhaust port will to a certain degree, it just depends if its raised which will require more rpm or widened which will keep the same rpm. You have a little bit of wiggle room on raising it a bit and gaining hp at the same peak rpm where it was stock.
The only way to know is to dyno the engine set up if whoever ported it didnt give you the information on where the peak hp will be. On a srx with stock pipes you are not going to be able to run it past 8650-8700rpm with the stock cdi or it will for sure lose peak hp.
your right don I will let u know after the dyno ...

The guy I bought the sled from told me the porting is Benders work and with the stamping on them I tend to believe him but I never thought to get the particulars on how the hp curve is,I was hoping Don or some of the other engine gurus might know.I'm running the stock exhaust on this sled.
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All Guess Work Without Dynoing. 3:16 (yammie Tony)
Got it,well I'll run it the way I have it setup now and if I ever run across a shop in my area with dyno facilities I can get an idea of how the curve runs and clutch it accordingly.
Active member
fourbarrel said:Got it,well I'll run it the way I have it setup now and if I ever run across a shop in my area with dyno facilities I can get an idea of how the curve runs and clutch it accordingly.