02 perf mods


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I wanna build her up a lil before winter what's some good mods to do to a 02 srx that actually make hp and won't break the bank?!?!

Thanks guys
Clutching and gearing, and most important is maintenance. I've got more bragging rights than I should have just because of those. My friends are really getting pissed off lol.
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badazzyammie said:
I wanna build her up a lil before winter what's some good mods to do to a 02 srx that actually make hp and won't break the bank?!?!

Thanks guys

nothing but removing the cylinders and heads and doing port work/machine work is going to make more hp that youll ever notice,so... to go the "cheapest route" set up the clutching to a tee. Reeds,exh. cans all claim hp gain but you cant notice 2hp, and it wont make a differnace when racing your buddys.

clutching the sled to a t......its quite a improvement over stock,sled lengths when done right over stock!

what kind of ridng do you do 90% of the time???
Aftermarket reeds have been talked over for years and unless your doing a lot of intake and exhaust mods or extensive porting they are really not worth the money for what little gain you MIGHT see.I understand other brands like Doo and Cat see noticeable improvements in throttle response but Yamaha engineers did a remarkable job in designing things like the reeds for one and the exhaust pipes for second.

As far as the cold air kit it would stand to reason that it should work well,drawing more air in and jetting it accordingly.I installed one on a buds 01 SRX years ago and that sled always worked great with no engine problems at all.But I'll add my name to the list of those that emphasize clutching and gearing as to be the best bang for the buck.
How much for porting what kind of gain would I get and is there a big difference between trail and race port??
what they all said...skip the reeds and the cold air kit and concentrate on getting the most out of the HP you already have. When that's been done the next step is porting for more HP.
I know I'm going from one extreme to the next lol I just don't know if I wanna tear her down yet she only has 1700 orig miles on the clock kinda hard to tear something basically new down lol
