Anybody do any testing in 660', 800' or 1000' speed runs as to which weight performs better?? I've ran 8BU's for years but would like to know differences people have found between the 89a-10
From what i readed 89a-10 work good for ag trail or drag
they do work pretty good in short distance ...not sure about top end
Active member
Both Great Weights And Both Are A Vmax 4 Weights. I Have Run 8bu-10 In My 2002 Srx On Ice, 1000 F.t. On Stalker Radar Gun, 150 Pound Driver 110 Mph. I Only Test 89a-10 On Snow, They Also Worked Good. 3:16 (yammie Tony)

I played with 89a-10s on my 780 one year, you can get good top end out of them. worked better actually than the bu10's on the 780 for top end...didn't have to load them as much to keep the r's down