Removing radius rods


Sep 15, 2009
Jefferson, WI
So I've decided to do some cleaning up of my sled and in the process of removing some rust spots on my trailing arms and radius rods. The problem I'm having is removing the radius rods to paint them. I took the pipes off already for better access and I've sprayed wd-40 on the bolts and tried my electric impact driver and no such luck. I'm getting a little frustrated! Is it possible removing the radius rods without using an air ratchet? Anyone got any tricks or advice? Sorry for the long post :o|
If they are lock nuts, maybe just use wd-40 & leverage for now. If ya use heat, you'll melt the nylon or whatever it is inside the nut....I mean you can always buy more nuts....
I don't think the were nyloks. i'm thinking they were the steel lock nuts that taper down at the last thread but it's been a few years and a lot of beer since the last set I pulled apart.
staggs65 said:
I don't think the were nyloks. i'm thinking they were the steel lock nuts that taper down at the last thread but it's been a few years and a lot of beer since the last set I pulled apart.

I think Jeff is right. They are a PITA all the way out. I used a good (Bluepoint) 3/8" air ratchet and boxed end wrench.
I had to cut one out from underneath it was so seized up. Then i was able to twist the bolt out of the bulk head. I then i had to heat and punch the nut end out of the control rod end on my bench vise. But they were a PIA all the way out like said above.
alright well seeing as how I don't have an air ratchet guess im shit out of luck without an air ratchet. Guess I'll just hold off on that till I can get the sled over to a mechanic buddy of mine. unless I can get lucky by heating it up a little and using some of that penetrating fluid.
wow yours either came out easier than mine or your just stronger lol but man I thought I was using force! So gonna give it another go today and first try heat and some pb penetrating spray and hope that works.
