Bender clutching help


New member
Oct 2, 2007
Corner Brook NL Canada
Hi guys I just picked up an 01 srx 700. The previous owner said it has a bender clutch kit in it. There is no snow here yet so I can't run it but I was hoping to get a little help on what is in there to prepare for when the snow comes. So far from what I see is a 2070 helix yellow secondary with yellow primary with a blue stripe on the spring and what looks to be stock weights. I will know a little more tomorrow when I dig into it. How does this setup work or does any one recommend anything different. I am not new to clutching but this machine and setup is new to me and due to no snow I can't test it. I previously had a mm700 with bender triple pipes etc and spent a lot of time tuning it so I am very familiar with the yamaha clutching. Is there any jetting recommendations to use on this machine. Also I should mention that it has stinger silencer, but I have the stock one also should I ditch this? Thanks
Thanks I just got off the phone with Bender and this is their complete clutch kit setup with stock weights and rivits changed. They said this is trail aggressive and if I wanted to race it to change out the bender yellow spring in the secondary with a Oem silver secondary and run it at 80. I guess I will have to wait for some snow now to try it out. Thanks.
