02 SRX track


New member
Mar 10, 2013
Alberta, Canada
hey guys just wanted to know what the biggest lug size i could get on my srx 1.25"? and what is a good track? herd ripsaw are good any suggestions
I don't like Ripsaw tracks,seem to break lugs off to easily.I have the 1 inch Kimpex on now and that track will not break apart..2 seasons and still looks like day one.You can also try the Cobra tracks for good traction..many others will chime in with there favorite's..but that Kimpex track is tough.
bluemonster1 said:
I don't like Ripsaw tracks,seem to break lugs off to easily.I have the 1 inch Kimpex on now and that track will not break apart..2 seasons and still looks like day one.You can also try the Cobra tracks for good traction..many others will chime in with there favorite's..but that Kimpex track is tough.

hey blue nice to see u around ...
hey hi mod//how you been???It is almost that time of year again.Can't wait for the white stuff..supposed to be an earlier and snowier Winter out this way..colder and bigger amounts predicted then last winter...should be fun then.How was Summer for you out East??
If I ran a 121x15x1 Kimpex Ultimate Traxtion track could I run a 1.075 studs with out having to change anything on my 98 srx 700?
Newfoundlander said:
Do you need to remove the tunnel protectors to run the cobra track?
not sure as I don't have protectors on my SXR with the Cobra.If anything,you may have to trim the areas of track lug where it meets the front exchangers
Last week I received a Ripsaw II 1.25 for my Viper, it looks like the best all around track to me for trail riding. The Cobra has some good reviews too but I just don't think you can go wrong with RSII.
bluemonster1 said:
thats what I run on my 02 SRX protectors have to be on.

This Kimpex Ultimate Traxtion track I'm looking at has 96 1.075 studs right down the middle, Whats does this protector look like? I bought my srx used and there is nothing covering the tunnel? Pictures?
Guys were starting to get way off track of marks original post. James please start a new post and we can hook you up. When you do ill shoot you some pics of what they look like mounted.
I bought my '02 with a comaplast energy track on it. I was a little worried with it being a single ply but that track has stood up great! They are cheap too.

My choice would be a 1" hacksaw clipped every third for weight. BUT I have never ridden one with it.
