New member
Alright, so I am trying to get this sled all done and prepped within the next month or so. Hoping for a snowy New England Winter this year!
Anyways, I got my Boss seat mounted and now I need to raise the handlebars. I am thinking about going with the Powermadd pivot adaptor and a two inch block for a total of 3.25 inches of rise. Does anyone know if this would be do able with the stock cables? Also, does anyone have suggestions and/or want to share what they did to raise the bars? My goal is to keep it as simple as possible, but if things need to be changed (brake line, throttle cable) I am willing to do so. Thanks!
Anyways, I got my Boss seat mounted and now I need to raise the handlebars. I am thinking about going with the Powermadd pivot adaptor and a two inch block for a total of 3.25 inches of rise. Does anyone know if this would be do able with the stock cables? Also, does anyone have suggestions and/or want to share what they did to raise the bars? My goal is to keep it as simple as possible, but if things need to be changed (brake line, throttle cable) I am willing to do so. Thanks!
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New member
Also, curious to know if this would work with the viper...
New member
Yes!! let's hope for a great winter for all us New Englander's!!
Plenty of reading with a search but here's just one post...
Plenty of reading with a search but here's just one post...
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New member
It may work with the pivot raiser the most you can go straight out is 3 inches so pivoting it forward you maybe good to go but remember you have to keep the cables outside of everything so they can just lay or go where they want to go because your going to be very close to maxing them out

Super Moderator
Know matter how you do it 3-3 1/2 is going to be your max. You will have to move your bars forward and the controls in a touch. I run hand guards so they are moved in anyway. I was at 3 with some room to spare with a 1"block and 2" rox pivot riser and stock cables and bars.
New member
Im running two inch block riser on my srx w my bars tilted forward a bit w sum slack in my cables. I know its not the most accurate answer u lookin for but i think u shouldnt have a problem
New member
I ended up ordering the powermadd pivot adapter along with a two inch pivot block...this will give me 3.25 inches with the bars forward. Will let everyone know how it goes. They should be here tomorrow.
yes i did the same to my viper works great with stock cables and brake line
yes i did the same to my viper works great with stock cables and brake line

New member
I just purchased a 2000 srx. Boss seat on its way. After cleaning the carbs and powervalves and starting to put everything back I to wanted to increase the height of my bars. Ordered 2" rox pivoting riser with 1" extension. What I did was route the throttle cable through the air box. Worked like a charm. No problems with any of the cables. The brake line was the one closest to its limit but I had to move that to the right anyway about a half inch so I could get my hand guard bracket on. Hope this helps
New member
Got the pivot adapter and block mocked up on the sled and it feels perfect. I definitely have to reroute cables, but I think it'll be fine using the stock ones!
How did your install go? I ordered the same exact setup and it came in the mail last night
New member
What does everyone recommend for extended brake line and throttle cable? Looking to get these extended soon as I do not like having the control pushed in.
Backwoods M Max
New member
I have a powemadd braided brake hose, I believe it's around 10" longer than stock. It's more than enough for any setup. For cables if you have a regular viper you can get a viper mtn throttle cable and my 02 mountain max has the longest oil cable I've seen with a 38.5" housing length. I bought 2 03 viper mtn oil cables because it was suppose to be longer but no dice, about 1" shorter. The aftermarket cables have the problem of the oil adjuster not being the same as stock and the throttle is stiffer because the ends don't have the plastic slider on them.
Active member
Using rsi braided brake and throttle cables. The throttle was only stiff when it was brand new. I shot some wd-40 through em and their just as easy as stock. When putting oil cable on take note of how far the arm on oil pump is away from the cable bracket so you can adjust to this with aftermarket cables.