Rounded out power valve allen bolt


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Going through my new to me 2003 Viper and went to pull the power valves and of course one bolt is rounded out and rusty as can be. Won't budge.

I don't have access to a welder to stick anything to it and try to turn it that way. My guess is that it's seized in there, by the way it looks, and that's how it got rounded out by the last guy.

I was thinking a lot of heat and a pair of vice grips might do it.

I also thought about pounding in a slightly larger star key along with alot of heat and seeing if that might work.

Don't want to bust it off unless a last resort.

Thanks guys for any ideas.
Pair of vise grips works well. No heat required. Have done that many times on mine and no problems getting it off. I replaced all the bolts on mine. Not expensive..
u can also take cutting wheel and carefully cut a line through the head and use a flat head screwdriver. I had to do this I used a dremel tool with a cut off wheel
blevis213 said:
u can also take cutting wheel and carefully cut a line through the head and use a flat head screwdriver. I had to do this I used a dremel tool with a cut off wheel

I've done it this way and it worked great.
Best tool for stripped allen heads is a set of "Sock-outs".. Nothing more then a tapered allen head that you tap in then turn with a wrench while you continue taping on end with a hammer. Works most every time
All great ideas. I struck out with the needle nose vice grips. I'll try cutting a slot next. I can't believe how stuck the other 11 were. Literally took every bit of strength I had and three now twisted Allen keys.

Thanks again guys
What in the world? Did someone use red locktyte or what? Maybe try heating them up just a LITTLE to much heat and you may pull the treads out so just a little before you try and remove them with the screw driver method maybe to your favor it won't hurt anything
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Yamahakid01 said:
What in the world? Did someone use red locktyte or what? Maybe try heating them up just a LITTLE to much heat and you may pull the treads out so just a little before you try and remove them with the screw driver method maybe to your favor it won't hurt anything

X2, sounds like someone could have used red locktight on them. Give them some heat and see what happens
I sometimes use a hack saw or grinder to make a slice in the bolt, then flat top screw driver. If that doesn't work I usually turn to vice grips.. If I find it still stubborn a bit of heat and vice grips.. Usually by now I would have it out lol
Can't believe vise grips didn't work. Like said maybe someone put lock tight on them. I have never used lock tight on mine and have never had an issue. They strip to easily.
OMG finally out. No red loctite but 11 yrs of road salt and never removed had it seized in there. Combo of Everything suggested moved it bit by bit came close to just busting it out many times in frustration. It obviously has never been cleaned , looks like a duck dynasty goop beard in there. The other two valves were fine which tells me that bolt was rounded out many years ago. Sled shows 3800 miles....
Many thanks to all.
