New member
Has anyone had any experience with Pioneer's Blue or yellow primary springs? If so, was it good or bad?


Active member
I have the pioneer springs. They are fine and just as good as any other primary spring. I never had an issue.
they are not very trail friendly .. engagement are pretty high
Active member
modsrx said:they are not very trail friendly .. engagement are pretty high
Depends on the rest of the clutch recipe and ones opinion of what is too high to be trail friendly.
New member
Yeah, I read the engagement was higher. How much is too high? depends on the individual i guess. What was yours at Mopar? Also the spring rate is higher so faster upshift? Looking for whatever I can squeeze out of my Viper with the 53/43 w/ 4.5's in tip. Was going to go with Clickers this year but opted for a new Hacksaw track instead.
Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the info.
well i guess maybe depend how u adjust your primary weight ..over 4500 5000 the clutch always overheat went u go slow or on a road crossing road and so on ..maybe if u put more weight in middle to give it more push it will maybe solved the problem ..
New member
Thanks Mod. That's a little high for me. Appreciate the info.


engagement will be different from weight to weight and how u will set up them ...
Active member
Engagement will depend on roller size, spring, mass of weights, engagement flat, is there an engagement notch, is the weight tucked, etc. I dont recall what the engagement was. It was a few yrs back that I messed with the pioneer blue spring in my viper but I thought engagement with my primary setup at that time being like 4500.
New member
I agree the blue spring was around 4500rpm. Great spring. Yamaha makes a spring very similar in specs with a lower engagement if need be.
New member
Thanks for the input on this guys! As always, great site with great members!!