SRX Viper Crank Bearing part numbers

SRX it is

New member
Jan 13, 2010
Arundel, Maine
I have searched in every way and found nothing. I want to run ceramic bearings so I need the Koyo numbers but even the oem numbers will get me there. The old fiche had the part numbers but the new ones only list an assembly. I'm looking for the 2000 up numbers. If anyone has them I would be grateful. I will also need the rod big end bearing number.
I need to redo the crank and I am replacing all the bearings.
Some of you guys may say don't replace them if the play is ok, I know this may be ok but with that said metal fatigues over time. Especially when subjected to that kind of vibration.
Try calling Woodie's in Topsham. I'm sure they have some old numbers kicking around. I wouldn't bother talking to one of the parts department phone jockies, ask for Kieth himself.
if you look up a 98 srx 700 you can get all the seperate crank bearing part numbers for it, its listed that way on the fiche. Now, the very end pto bearings wont be the same because they went to the 1 pc outer race only but the rest is all good.
