Fouling plugs

In my opinion the ECS versus the ES is just a li more money for a little more insurance. If your tuned/jetted on the razors edge and some little random factor gets introduced (temp drops 20 degrees) with the ECS your more likely to get a away with it...with ES.....more likely to be BUMMING! Yeah I use ES (old ones from the SXR) when fogging in the spring and first fire up in the fall. If I am planning on SRX will have ECS in it. A ton of guys have run ES, some go boom......ES MAY HAVE ben PART of the equation. To me its worth a few bucks for the piece of mind.
Devilin AblueDress! said:
In my opinion the ECS versus the ES is just a li more money for a little more insurance. If your tuned/jetted on the razors edge and some little random factor gets introduced (temp drops 20 degrees) with the ECS your more likely to get a away with it...with ES.....more likely to be BUMMING! Yeah I use ES (old ones from the SXR) when fogging in the spring and first fire up in the fall. If I am planning on SRX will have ECS in it. A ton of guys have run ES, some go boom......ES MAY HAVE ben PART of the equation. To me its worth a few bucks for the piece of mind.
what he said..
While you are in your carbs checking needle and seats also check the 2 o rings on inlet filter.They become very brittle with age and do not seal the way they should.Yami Tony and myself stumbled across this on his carbs while troubleshooting sled flooding.The only tricky part is removing pins that hold float
be careful. I think this might become a common problem with age.
BEACH01 said:
While you are in your carbs checking needle and seats also check the 2 o rings on inlet filter.They become very brittle with age and do not seal the way they should.Yami Tony and myself stumbled across this on his carbs while troubleshooting sled flooding.The only tricky part is removing pins that hold float
be careful. I think this might become a common problem with age.

Spring loaded punch or automatic punch what eve you want to call it is a GIFT FROM GOD! I had used needle nose pliers for years. Seen the auto punch at Lowes for 10-12 bucks Figured worth a try. I will never clean carbs with out one again! Pops that pin right out!
I second the spring loaded punch I have never used anything that works better. Make sure that you have your hand on the other side though because if you not ready it can pitch it across the floor.
Let the sled sit for two days with new br9es plugs on it. It started right up with no fouling.? Only difference is much colder and I used 1/2 choke instead of full choke and ran it with choke for only 5 seconds. No probs. maybe my starting technique was wrong and temp too warm.
I put new Ngk caps and the proper br9ecs plugs in it anyway and let it sit for a couple more hours and it fired right up and idled nice and smooth. Looks like I'm good. Thanks for the help.
If I foul any more plugs then it's getting new needle and seats. The orings were fine when I cleaned the carbs.
The jetting is stock 146.3,146.3,148.8,42.5 pilots, screws at 1-1/8.needle 3rd clip with 2 washers underneath. Is this good for trail stock sled? Elevation 600-1000 ft.
Believe it or not today at work for no apparent reason this popped into my head wondering if you were full chokeing it with it still warm out. Properly adjusted/functioning choke plungers will make a WORLD of difference when starting it @ riding temps. Give them a good looking over, make sure the plunger is all the way in when choke is all the way or all the way out when full choked, Some guys have had luck filing down the end of the plunger with hard starting SRX's. Search it and happy reading!
