I am the original owner of a 99 SRX 700 with 6,900 miles. This is the third Yamaha I have owned and these sleds are simply awesome and will not die. My dealer suggested I replace the jack shaft bearings and I have no clue where to start. Does anyone have a 99 service manual in PDF form before I dig into this? Much appreciated! 

Active member
why ya need to replace them. are you having a problem. 3:16 (YAMMIE TONY)
I would say you should definitely replace the DRIVEshaft bearings.....but jackshaft usually last a long long time.
Active member
Before i would do anything take off the secondary clutch and the speedo cover, Than remove the outer seal covers.This can be done with a small pick tool just take your time getting into the outer edge and you will not damage them.If there is no sign of rust take some good grease and pack the bearing with your finger than reinstall the covers.
The drive bearing at the speedo takes the most abuse from water. the jackshaft bearing will simply dry out.The rest in the chaincase i have never see fail.
The drive bearing at the speedo takes the most abuse from water. the jackshaft bearing will simply dry out.The rest in the chaincase i have never see fail.
Thank you to all that have replied, but I am still in search of the manual. I have been monkey see, monkey do on this sled for a long time and use the many posts to repair the sled that users of this site gratiously took their time to write. 

I believe if you join as a vip here its available for free on this site in pdf form!