hey guys im looking to get around 6700-7000 engagement on my mod stocker srx 440. I am running new Yamaha apex clutches on her.
What do you guys with experience find works best. IVE been told by some so mill the spider so the roller sits closer to the weight and then add more belt clearance with a colar spacer. Also running a larger roller like a 16.5 will increase my engagement.
But that being said the larger the roller the slower the upshift ??? So why would I do that for drag racing ? Im thinking that just knotching the weights bigger for engagement is the way to go. Anyone else think differently.
the spider milling was said by a big Yamaha guy because it is more correct and accurate every time. But knotching im sure would make this machine come out harder?
LEmme know thanks Yamaha guys !
What do you guys with experience find works best. IVE been told by some so mill the spider so the roller sits closer to the weight and then add more belt clearance with a colar spacer. Also running a larger roller like a 16.5 will increase my engagement.
But that being said the larger the roller the slower the upshift ??? So why would I do that for drag racing ? Im thinking that just knotching the weights bigger for engagement is the way to go. Anyone else think differently.
the spider milling was said by a big Yamaha guy because it is more correct and accurate every time. But knotching im sure would make this machine come out harder?
LEmme know thanks Yamaha guys !