i know this is a very unusual question but...maybe

jdub-viper 700

New member
Feb 10, 2013
upstate new york
Ok so I know this is absoutly crazy but has anyone ever thought about converting a trailling arm sx viper 700 to a a arm setup? Or is it even remotely possible ?.. or is there some other way to raise the front to give it more travel?
Thanks in advance, john
They did but I thought if it wasn't completely insane I thought it would look better and work better than just longer shocks and an a arm setup would be lighter than a trail arm setup
Its been talked about before but never done. Lots of geometry and other issues mainly cost has stopped most. Someone did put a a-arm cat front end in a viper and it turned out pretty cool. With money and time anything is possible.
My guess is you'd have to add a lot of extra weight in bracing for the bulkhead... a-arms need a stiff front end. I know if you hit something on your REV a-arm it isn't pretty. REV owners bend their "nuns" without even realizing it.
