New Camoplast 141" Track


New member
Feb 26, 2007
Sask, Canada
Bought a new 9254C track, 1.75 x 141" 3" pitch for the 2000 MM. Was planning to use 3" 7T Wahl bros drivers, about the same dia as the stock ones. Here's the problem the track is designed for the arctic cat diamond drive drivers, so the outer drive lugs are smaller and are doubled up so they hit the drivers.(cat only uses these for a guide). So either I cut off every second lug or modify the drivers to clear.(probably going to modify the drivers) Anyone have any ideas?? Or does someone make a cross over driver?
Stopped at the dealers yesterday, the driver on the viper is a 7T 3 pitch with the right setup to run this track. Looks a lot like the cat setup, only problem 38 mm shaft. Back to the drawing board I guess.
Ok, got it all figured out. Ended up machining off the outer lug on the drivers, everthing fits perfect now.(see pics, you can see where the small lug on the track hit the driver lug on the first pic) Just did my second sled a MM 700. Just as a side note going from a 8T 2.52 pitch to a 7T 3.00 pitch the circumfrance is just about the same 20.16" vs 21", no issues for clearance and gearing seems OK. We just need some snow here to realy try these out.

I hope that works out ok. That's. Lot of stress to be putting on one set of track lugs and the extrovert tips. I wonder if avid could have custom machined you a set of drivers, they seem to be into that kind of stuff. Just get a 7 tooth 3" pitch diamond drive for a 1 1/16" hex shaft.
We did this exact same setup on a buddys sled ..ended up cutting off the interfering lug and it's been thing you'll see with the wahl drivers and that track is if your rotating it by hand it'll start out fine and about 6-8 windows later the extroverts will be riding up and hitting the clips ..then they pop down into the window it's out of time or the wrong pitch . ..we called wahl and they said this is normal . .when the sled is under power it constantly drives the extroverts forward into the clips and lugs but when free wheeling it walks backwards .. . .just a fyi . ..
