SRX 700 won't start without starter fluid


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Mid Michigan
Guys, I am new to this forum and new to the 2- 2000 Yamaha SRX 700's in my garage. I have never owned sleds before but have had dirt bikes and quads. Anyway, I bought these both these sleds towards the end of last winter and have not rode them other than a quick test ride. One of them won't start this year without starter spray. I changed the plugs and pulled the carbs cleaning the mains and pilot jets. The problem seems to be with the fuel system somewhere. I guess I suspect the fuel pump but am not sure how to trouble shoot. I pulled the fuel pump input line off the gas tank but nothing came out of the tank. I did the same on the running sled and no fuel dripped out of it either. I guess I am looking for a few ideas from you guys that are more experienced with these sleds. Thanks!
Where you at in mid mi? They both ran fine for test drive? My first thought would me moisture has collected into water and then froze in fuel system. ALOT of other threads you can search and get a lot of info from.
I live in Durand which is close to Flint. I did a search on "won't start" but it was to vague. I need to search "fuel" somehow.
this may seem like dumb question but how much fuel is in tank? if the fuel is low enough the pick up may not allow fuel pump to draw fuel.try adding a few gallons.with the fuel line where it is on tank it will not flow by taking lines off as it will need the suction from pump to start siphoning of fuel.
X2 on putting a couple gallons of fresh gas in it. Pull the spark plugs and give it about ten pulls (no plugs = no compression = ALOT easier to pull) This will prime the pulse line (vacuum line diving fuel pump) Put plugs back in and cross your fingers........
Hey Barry, not a dumb question. In fact, I thought that maybe this was the problem when I noticed how high the gas line is coming out of the tank. I added gas to the tank filling it almost to the cap. I am done for today. I will look at it again next week but hope to come up with some new ideas before I go out to the garage.
How does that pump work? Vacuum? Can I pull the 3 gas lines off at the carbs, and pull the rope and expect to see gas coming out them? Thanks...
Yes vacuum. Theres a larger hose on fuel pump, it runs to the crank case sort of below the middle carb. That would be the next thing I would check. If its brittle and has cracked it may not be drawing vacuum on the pump = no gas
This issue has been discussed a lot on here. I am going through the same issue myself with one of my SRX's. Yamaha released a service bulletin for a choke mod. You remove each of the choke plungers and file off 1mm from the tips. I did this mod and it did not solve my starting issue. I pulled out my reed cages and all three had a chipped reed and several week reeds. I haven't got the new reed cages yet, so I'm not 100% sure this will solve my problem, but pretty sure it will. (going back to oem from junk vforce reeds)
I have been doing some reading and I didn't realize they had there were distinct starting issues.

Hard start cold
Hard start after storage
Hard start after short soak (1-2 weeks)

There have been a few guys that have had luck with the red hat- fuel pump. I think I will go in that direction hopefully getting one before next weekend. Thanks.
So if you start your sled today, do you have to spray starting fluid in it to get it started tomorrow? If so then I doubt you have a fuel pump problem. If it runs fine once started throughout the rpm range then your fuel pump should be fine. When you shut the sled off the bowls should be full of fuel. When its time to start it back again the bowls should still be full of fuel....the fuel pump is out of the equation at this point. If I am you I am looking at reeds and the choke circuit.
just nature of the beast..30 pulls today to start my SRX...carbs full,choke adjusted properly,choke mod done,had new plug caps a while back..drives me SXR 1 to 2 pulls and usually fires..
just nature of the beast..30 pulls today to start my SRX...carbs full,choke adjusted properly,choke mod done,had new plug caps a while back..drives me SXR 1 to 2 pulls and usually fires..

Fired my 00 srx up today. 8th pull it tried to fire again at 9 and fired and idled on the 10th....hasn't ben touched since late april.
just nature of the beast..30 pulls today to start my SRX...carbs full,choke adjusted properly,choke mod done,had new plug caps a while back..drives me SXR 1 to 2 pulls and usually fires..

No way is this a good explanation. 30 pulls=problem somewhere.
once I get her regular running during the season,it will start in 2 pulls in the garage or 7 to 8 outside in the shed.Nature of the beast.Cold weather pulling is slow.When in the garage above 0 the pulls are quicker,rotating crank quicker and pulse line works quicker..simple math
Pulled mine in the shop this past spring and never looked at it again until the other day.
No summarizing at all. Added a little premix down the cylinders and she fired first pull and died. Second time around she purred.
Old stale gas and all.;)!
Maybe this is to obvious, but are you opening the chokes to full? There are 2 distinct levels of choke. Mine will not start from cold without full choke.
So if you start your sled today, do you have to spray starting fluid in it to get it started tomorrow? If so then I doubt you have a fuel pump problem. If it runs fine once started throughout the rpm range then your fuel pump should be fine. When you shut the sled off the bowls should be full of fuel. When its time to start it back again the bowls should still be full of fuel....the fuel pump is out of the equation at this point. If I am you I am looking at reeds and the choke circuit.

X2 - First start after storage may take some pre-mix in the cylinders and/or lots of tugging; but once the bowls are full, fuel delivery from the pump isn't your issue.

I would suggest not using starting fluid/ether. It can wash the oil film off the cylinder.

I use pre-mix from my weedwacker 2-stroke gas can into a rattle can paint cap or dip a piece of fuel line into the gas can - hold the other end with your thumb then drip it into the cylinders.

Did you clean the screens (top hat filters) above the needle and seat?
Choke plungers are adjusted correctly?
Using full choke to start?
SRX sat from March to early Nov. fogged. Put premix down plugs and first pull it was running.When I was trying to start it I really wasn't pulling to fast this time..Choke is always used when cold and it is adjusted spot on.Fuel pump was new 2 seasons back..Nature of the beast used it it already..
another thought is you are not getting vacuum signal from crank.if you can hook a vacuum gauge to nipple from crank then do as others have stated prime the cylinders with fresh fuel it should show a pulsing vacuum signal.if not posssbly crank seals?you could also pull the fuel lines to carbs make sure you have something to catch fuel keep away from this after priming carbs to get a good vacuum pulse.I agree with not using starting fluid as it will create a super hot condition in cylinders not good.I had 338 free air gpx brand new in 75 worst starting yamaha I ever owned drive 5 hours north every weekend to spend hours pulling that thing over if I got lucky it would start.took carbs back to dealer they would rebuild brand new carbs.after 4rth rebuild that winter put a pair of mikuni carbs same frustration took to local dealer used as trade on 76 340 enticer.never again had starting problems the 340 never got any summer prep.go up in late october 3 4 pulls it started right up like that for 10 years.same with all my yammis I own and there were a lot 10 in total up to now.sorry to babble on just reminded me about the nature of the beast tales.good luck with your no start.I will stay tuned in
Same issue with my 2000 SRX 700. I know starting fluid is bad, but after 20 pulls and not even a burp. Give it a little spray and within 3-4 pulls it's purring. I have done the choke plunger mod/fix as well. I may try going with a fuel pump from a red-head triple. I heard these are better and have cured the "30 pulls to start" issues.
