Modifications required for new track?


New member
Nov 27, 2013
United States
I'm looking to replace the track on my sled and need some advice.
I have a 2001 Phazer 500 dlx. The track is 121 x 15, 2.52 pitch. If I go to the Camoplast site it says my sled can use a Camoplast Backcountry with 1.75" paddles or a Camoplast Intense with 1.5" paddles.
I got a comment about the Backcountry that "I might have to change to 8 tooth drivers for clearance". I'm new to snowmobiling and don't really know what's involved in making a decision about a new track. Is it true that I may have to change out my drivers or should I trust the info from the Camoplast site?
on that sled you will have to use the 8t drivers to gain track clearance. these will have to be purchased and pressed on the driveshaft. of course the existing drivers need pressed off as well. depending on your riding style you can typically get by with the two center drivers as thats the way yamaha configured some of the phazers in 01. i know the mtn lite had 4 and the standard had 2, cant say for sure on your dlx model but i would guess at 4. that would be a judgment call as to how many you put back on.

there are a few other factors to consider when changing to 8t. your gearing will be affected by almost 12% and your speedometer will be off as well. both can be corrected using the correct parts. dont forget that the taller lugs are harder on your hyfax if you see alot of icy/low snow conditions.
I read your other thread as well. Seems to me 1.5 lug should be plenty for what your doing. Some guys have gotten away with using the stock drivers, others have trimmed the lug where it would rub on the exchanger protectors. The only problem I would for see is in wet tacky snow at low speeds snow may pack up in the front of the tunnel. Going with 1.75 your definitely going to have go the 8 tooth drivers and also keep in mind running that tall of a lug in icy,low snow or packed groomed trails may lead to torn/broke lugs
I believe the 500 fans already have 8t drivers? I know the venture and mountian lite do but not sure about the phazer. You should still be able to fit a 1.75 with room to spare even with 8t drivers because there are no heat exchangers.
If you can crawl under your sled you can measure your clearance. But just remember even if the track will clear by a RCH, there is a phenomenon of windage. That's all the air and snow pulled into the tunnel getting compressed at the front when there is inadequate clearance to let it out at the drive axle. It can cause enough drag to be a problem at high speed.
My question would be to other Phazer well is the 500 going to turn a tall lug track for what you are going to use it for?? If it will turn it ok, Id say throw on a 1 1/2" what-ever and just trim the track where it will have contact with the tunnel and heat exchanger protectors
I found a video the other day on YouTube of a kid riding an 01 phazer mountain lite. One the kid was a good rider and two it looks like a fun little ditch banger for messing around with in deep snow. 136 x 1.5 mountain master track is what Yamaha called it I believe. If I came across one I would buy it for a mess around sled then you have a perfect mountain into sled for your kid as he gets older.
Its fan cooled so no exchangers to worry about. You can get a 1.75 into a liquid with 9t drivers and protecters removed so theres no reason a 1.75 wont fit. That being said i think a 1.5 is more than enough without gearing/clutching
I use the sled almost exclusively to collect sap in my sugarbush and as a utility vehicle to tow things around the farm. I do some off trail riding to the neighbors house etc. There may be a few occasions where I ride on trail. I'm in northern Minnesota so there are some pretty good hills but no real mountains.

Thanks for all the info. The more I read, the less smart I feel.

Can anyone help me with some terminology? What's the difference between "Fully Clipped", "every window open and every 3rd bar clipped", "OPEN EVERY WINDOW AND IS CLIPPED EVERY WINDOW", etc.? Which configuration is best for which situation?
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track window/ clips

When it says every window open its referring to the square cut outs. some have every window open. some have every 3rd, 2nd, and even all closed. track clips are the metal clips in between 2 open windows. just go with every window open/ fully clipped. slides have more cooling and you have the option to run extrovert drivers.


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