00-02 SRX or 03-04 RX1


Jan 8, 2005
Western Michigan
Getting back into snowmobiling(I don't plan to travel much) it will just be local stuff, maybe trailer it an hour or so north. So what to get? Get an SRX or go into the 4 stroke world? What kind of mileage do the 03-04 RX1's get? I rode an 03 years ago and thought my SRX was faster, but truthfully I don't need 140HP, I could get by with 100HP, don't plan to do much lake racing, just some trail stuff.

Thoughts? Suggestions? I have been thinking about a Ski doo 600, but saw a long traveled SRX and it got me thinking how much I liked my long traveled SRX.

I am fortunate to own both sleds: (2) 2000 SRX's and an 03 RX1. For the past few years, my son has been riding one of the SRX's and I ride the 03 RX1. In the fun factor dept., there is NO comparison, the SRX is an absolute blast to ride. I find when we are our riding, I have to stay off the SRX or I won't give it back to my son. The handling of the SRX is so much lighter and responsive. I LOVE the SRX, so much so that I am accumulating enough spare parts to last another 25 years of riding. I orderd the RX1 in March of 02 with the promise of 40+ MPG, higher performance than the SRX and better durability. Only the durability promise was met. My original 2000 SRX went 13,000 absolutely trouble-free fun filled miles before a bad tank of low octane gas caused a lean burn down of the center piston. It was due for a complete rebuild anyway but I could have done without the $500 parts bill to repair it.
In the trail performance category, the winner is the SRX, just no comparison
In the fun factor dept., the winner is the SRX, just no comparison
In the ease of servicing and getting parts: both are even. Oil changes on teh 4 stroke motor, power valve cleanings on the SRX
In the long-term durability, that is not having to perform major maintenance on the engine, the winner is the RX1 IF and only if you are going to put on many thousand miles per season. Be aware, MANY 03 and 04 RX1s and Warriors had problems with the piston rings and consumed oil. My 03 RX1 consumes about a quart every 700 miles. This is a well known problem with the 03 and 04 RX-1s. This is only a problem on RX1's which consume a LOT of oil, like a quart or more per 250 miles. Yamaha changed the piston rings in 05.
For local riding which would include some off trail exploration and breaking new trails, the SRX is a winner.
As for gas mileage, my SRXs average 15 MPG for the cruising type of long distance riding we do. My RX-1 will get 16 - 17 MPG during the same trips.
As for sensitivity to the octane/gas quality: the absolute winner is the RX1, it will run on 5 year old 80 octane gas, the spec is 87 octane. You will need to be very careful with the gas used in the SRX and the cleanliness of the carbs. Today's ethanol gas causes more carb maintenance. I now used an octane booster with 91 or 93 octane gas only. The octane booster is good for two tanks of gas and makes operation of the sled more expensive but I never want to do that type of damage to an engine again. If you can get an 02 SRX with the detonation control system, grab it!!! I am looking for an 02 SRX myself. The DCS system will save you from an expensive repair bill IF you get stuck with a tank of bad gas. For me, the SRX is still an excellent sled, if it were not for the quality of gas today, I would use both of mine on long saddlebag touring trips. I am not trying to scare you away from the SRX with the gas quality issue, you just need to be aware of it. A bone stock SRX is a lot of fun and there are simple inexpensive mods that make it even more fun.

Thanks for the reply. I had forgotten about the ethanol issue. How will that impact a 98 vmax 600 twin? If I just run premium in the SRX would I be ok?
I LOVE my SRX's (currently have 4) Primarily due to fuel I have ben longing for a 4 stroke my self. I may be a little anal about fuel due to mentioned lean burn downs. FRESH is just as important a the PREMIUM part of the equation. If I know sled will be parked for more than a couple weeks I make sure tank is low and top off with fresh before riding. ANY TIME getting fuel at any questionable stations I put booster in JUST IN CASE. Bottle of booster cheaper than replacement parts not to mention down time of sled during riding season.
Yes thought about a viper as well. I don't want to drive all over the place and it seems that sled values have recovered since I sold my stuff about 5 years ago. I had a 200 SRX long travel, reverse, skid plate, etc. Had under 4000 miles and I think I got $2200 for it. I have found an 01 that has 5K and he wants $2500. I haven't found any lower mileage vipers.
An 01 SRX with 5K miles for $2500 sounds like a good deal as long as the sled was cared for and stored out of the weather. I have seen some sleds with 500 miles on them that were abused that are worthless. If you can post some pics with some closeup shots of the engine compartment, front suspension, trav=ck and rear suspension you'll get a lot of help from the team on this site. If you follow the advice on the octane and freshness of the gas along with keeping te carbs clean (thoroughly cleaned the the beginning of each season) you will be fine. It is absolutely shocking (and expensive) how fast and engine will be severely damaged so quickly due to detonation.

there is not much difference to a viper from srx. a long traveled srx is going to handle as good and be a better engine and fuel mileage. I like the looks of the viper better. the rx though a good sled, doesn't sound like what your looking for. I will say, for another grand, you can get on an apex, now that is no comparrison to a srx. far superior trail sled and, if your not riding it much, the injection is going to save you lots of carb and power valve cleaning. They have an issue with exhaust donuts and head pipes but at this age, you will find them with new stainless ones all done. I loved my srx, my viper, and my venture conversion but none can compare to the apex on the trail.
What are the differences between the viper and the SRX engines? I understand the SRX has the triple pipes, and the viper is a single. I didn't realize there was much difference. One reason I thought about the viper is the cool looks, and the fact that don't they all have the Detonation control system on them? I had thought about a piped viper, but figure I don't need the HP. My sled history is this

1982 TXLindy 340... first liquid sled, was surprised it could do 75+ LOL blew it up twice...
1998 MXZ500-Good sled, decent power, decent ditch banger left it stock
1998ZR600EFI LE, chipped and piped it, it was an awesome ditch banger
2000SRX- Long traveled it, and it was much better off trail, but still couldn't stop facing uphill or you were shoveling
2001VMAX Deluxe-stuck some some power inc pipes on it, and I rode it lots and lots. I missed the midrange of the SRX, but the sleds were comparable from a dead stop up until low 90's(plus it was fun for folks to watch the grandpa sled fire with the electric start, hear a healthy growl, then hear the reverse beeper :) )
2001VMAX Deluxe- bone stock I felt this had better low end response than my VMAX, the piped vmax was jetted a little fat, so that might have been part of the issue.

We rode tons in the UP, I don't anticipate going to the UP for several years to ride. I just want something when we get dumped on, I can take out and ride for an hour or so. Again, my favorite ditch banger was the ZR600, I could launch that thing and super smooth landings.
IMO I'd try a 4-stroke after having all those 2-strokes, just to try something different... Proaction Yamaha sleds are easy to find if you change your mind.
The E-tecs are a sweet machine! If you will be doing any amount of powder play/off trail I would suggest one. Fuel mileage is the same or better than anything we have run it against (SRX, Viper, SX, Apex, Nytro XTX). After a week of riding in the U.P. it only used about 1.5" of oil from the reservoir. They are SUPER light. The Apex and Etec are nice machines but are almost opposite ends of the weight scale. We got sick of digging my buddys Apex out of the powder, he ended up with a 144 Nytro (nice sled).
I agree with most I loved and still miss my SRX , viper would be a second 2 stoke choice but if you 4 stroke spend a little extra and grab a apex because of the fuel injection and the mono suspension( much better ride). I have owned 03 RX shorty and 05 warrior long track and neither compares to the apex!
once again just my 2 cents, take it for what you think it's worth
Thanks for all of the replies. My only fear is the weight of the Yamaha 4 strokes. I anticipate the ditch banging and the trails we are on, there will probably be a fair amount of manually turning/digging the sled out. One of the reasons I thought of a skidoo etec. How about one of the newer phazer's?
Thanks for all of the replies. My only fear is the weight of the Yamaha 4 strokes. I anticipate the ditch banging and the trails we are on, there will probably be a fair amount of manually turning/digging the sled out. One of the reasons I thought of a skidoo etec. How about one of the newer phazer's?

IMO Phazers are underpowered but cheap. They might make a good play sled.
I would really like to stay in the $2000 range. I know it is cheap, however I am exiting one high dollar hobby because I just don't have the time to justify the expense. It seems like the 2007 phazers have some issues? Are the 2008's much improved?
I have riddden both My 2000 SRX and my father inlaws 2004 Warrior RX-1. I like to compare them as the SRX is a Corvette and the Warrior or RX-1 an Impalla. The main difference is in the ride and suspension. The Srx handles like a dream in the tight and twisty and the Warrior is ment to go straight. As far as rider comfort the SRX will beat you up on a long day and the warrior is far more comfortable with alot more suspension, due to the weight and cushier suspension the RX-1 hurts in the handling department. That is what I think is the main difference.
