hi miles cluthc rebuild ?


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2003
Thanks in advance.
Sled is a 98 XTC Deluxe 700, I had a clutching set up put in by FIX power sports, more than 4000 miles ago. Runs Ok but not as crisp on back shifts and accel (* rpms are not changed for engage or shift point). I dont want to change set ups but what do I need to replace besides the belt? ?
-primary spring suspect yes
-rollers Y/?
-weights or should/can you get bushings only?
-other bushings or parts.
I am trying to decide if I do this myself and learn or just fork out the cash and wish I knew more? Thanks for you Rec's
I will be out of town later today, so check back on return
Just my .02,

primary spring - YES
secondary spring - YES
rollers - Clean, inspect for flat spots, and measure for out of round
weights - Inspect for flat spots and grooves
weight/roller bushings - Clean, inspect, and measure ID
other bushings - Clean, Inspect, and measure ID
(replace parts as needed, unless you have lots of cash then replace them all)

I've had good results using Scotch Brite and solvent to clean and buff the cover and sliding sheave bushings. I always measure them to make sure they are within specification.

When I have my clutch apart, I spray the face of the weights with a little moly lube and let them dry (use very little).
Do everything like Canuck suggested.

But do learn how to do it yourself, you will save some money, have a better knowledge of your sled, and have the skills to fix it if something breaks out on the trail.

The secondary is very easy to work on, easy to get the spring and helix off, also check the buttons for wear that the helix slides on. The primary is a little harder but not that bad. The one thing you will not be able to do without a special tool is take the spider apart to replace the bushing inside, but that is not that common of a thing to do and probably will not be necessary for your situation. Another thing to do with the money you save by doing it yourself is to buy a factory service manual, they run about $50-60. Also save your old springs for spares in case you have a spring break on a weekend trip, etc. that way your day is not a total loss.
