Where's all the SRX/Viper vs the world stories?

he got me the whole way. 1 sled length at bout 100ft. maybe 2-2.5 sled lengths at 500 or so ft. it pulls good. aftermarket header and can got him 18 more horses on that thing. that's an insane gain for exhaust.
Yes the 800 got me on a race in the field he gets launch and can't catch him. Need more paddle and longer track. Last year on the packed road we raced on a roll and I was out front the whole time. We will be racing more soon. My sleds r still fun even after all these years.
These sleds are now very old in the snowmobile line..........the last srx was 2002, its now soon to be 2014! They have held thier own for a long time!

technology will eventually surpass even expert tuning, it always does.....

These old sleds are still a ball of fun and many,many times will beat up on alot bigger sleds when set up right. You do have to keep in mind most of these sleds your racing are all bigger, 800cc,1000cc,1100cc,etc. your only riding a little 700! So ya, some of them might beat you these days but they already have the bigger engine and newer chasiss, they also got the payment book!

these threads are still fun to read.

I know I am gonna have to step up my old sled, had quite a few vistors this year to the shop, they all got new sleds and they are gunning for my old dinosaur. I might have to throw on the triple pipes to break it in....lol, theres 20+hp extra I can start with!

Race a few in front of others, then I can detune and go back to the single so I can afford to ride it with the gas prices these days...LMAO!

Have fun guys, thats whats its all about............win or lose............
don right on. boast is the name of the game now. especially for long lake running. hell tell ya how old i am, i rip around my 1983 vmax 540. my 1993 exciter sx, my 2002 srx. their fun, guess like real old cars. besides, you think at this stage of my ife i want to spend $11,800 on a new snowmobile, your nuts. beat my old dogs until i am done. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Yes the 800 got me on a race in the field he gets launch and can't catch him. Need more paddle and longer track. Last year on the packed road we raced on a roll and I was out front the whole time. We will be racing more soon. My sleds r still fun even after all these years.
when you consider the cost of those new sleds, we win. they arent THAT much faster, not enough to shell out 12 grand or more to get 2 sled lengths on a little ole 700.
No cc to cost wise I whip the shit out of new sleds. I like to build my own and ride it hard and enjoy it every day. I have way to many other hobbies to maintain. The fun factor and reliable nature of these old yamaha sleds r going to hard to beat.i weigh 260 lbs also and the weight is another factor when racing the new sleds. I have 10 some sleds that r all mine and no payments. My black srx chassis has 23,000 miles on it and not one loose rivet .
I agree with the fun factor of these "old" sleds and the fact that I'm not making payments on something I can only use two months out of the year makes me enjoy riding even more. I used to buy a new sled almost every year then I couldn't afford it any more and I gave up riding for ten years. Last year my brother asked me to get his Viper going for him so I gave the carbs a good cleaning and the sled ran awesome. He's had it since it was new in 02 and to be honest he hasn't taken good care of it. It looks rough, but mechanically its solid. Well working and playing with his Viper made me want to get one of my own. I found a 02 Viper with 1900 miles with Bender pipes and a new track and many other extras for $600 because the dealer said they didn't want to change the pistons. I got it home and put fresh gas in it and cleaned the carbs and it ran really good, it didn't need pistons at all. It just needed a little TLC. I've done a lot of work to it this year. I've got a stock exhaust now, I've added an IQ rear suspension, and all kinds of other little things. I've probably got $1200 in a great fun reliable sled. Almost every weekend I'm out in the garage tinkering on it. I think I enjoy working on it just as much as riding it. There's something about owning an older sled that's still nice that you've made your own. I have no interest in getting a new sled. I think some of the fun of owning a snowmobile would go away if I get a big payment book. Just my two cents.
Who says you can't cheat a little? I put a dalton 50/38 helix in my 2001 MM 700 along with my trail HC set up. Result, won once and tied once against modern race special 600s (without open kit)
These new 800s can be beat. My buddies all have brand new 800 doos, cats, and polaris. With some clutching and porting I've drove past an 800 pro r, 800 assault, etec 800 and xf 800. These sleds shouldn't beat a well setup srx on top end. I just don't race them short distance, only long lake runs lol
Those 800 s can be beat I have beat many and there r some that get me. It's all about the launch. Still would give my sled up for a twin 800 any day.
I put my kids in there place yesterday. The 11 yr old was talking trash about how their Bravo would" clean up" in the field. I was alittle worried about their weight advantage, but at the 100' ft mark, I finally pulled a ski length and dashed their hopes. I felt great.
I was out riding yesterday with my viper and my riding partner has a 600 dragon we pulled up to some guys riding bumble bee 800 s and the 2 of us kicked their butts. My viper stock and handed those guys a good beating..lol.. they were impressed but it comes down to how you ride as well. Love that viper..
No cc to cost wise I whip the shit out of new sleds. I like to build my own and ride it hard and enjoy it every day. I have way to many other hobbies to maintain. The fun factor and reliable nature of these old yamaha sleds r going to hard to beat.i weigh 260 lbs also and the weight is another factor when racing the new sleds. I have 10 some sleds that r all mine and no payments. My black srx chassis has 23,000 miles on it and not one loose rivet .
no doubt about it pete, your srx's are fast.
These new sleds arent that much faster, you are right on. I could not believe how fast my sons viper was until we was on the lake in jackman,just cruising along, and he went by me at 60 or so, and held it to the bar. Took me a mile to catch the little bastard. My turbocat has insane pull at any speed, but the top end isnt any more than some sleds 12 years old or more. I love driving that viper of his. Love that triple sound and smoothness. Biggest thing with the new stuff, is just so much better ride and they steer so easily. Ride all day and no fatigue at all.
Sure out on the lakes and fields you can still do good with these sleds. Especially racing average trail sleds. Everybody in this thread who posted about how they don't compete against the newer stuff has lots of time on actual race courses with timers. The time slips don't lie. When you're at the track most everyone is dialed in so you get a pretty good feel for what the sleds do at their best.

Now with that rambling over it's the backyard races on the lakes and fields I was looking to hear about so keep the old war stories coming, hopefully some current ones.
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2. RACING AT BACK YARD EVENTS . GRASS/ ice/ snow, new on snow) - OLD ice grass
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