Need more off the line..


New member
Dec 13, 2004
Just curious on how to get better throttle response out of my V-Max. Seems to have a slight bog before taking off the line. I think most 1994 V-max owners can atest to that. Any ways to over come that? Gear reduction? Clutch set-up? Reeds? Thanks for any comments. :rocks:

Make sure your carbs, clutch alignment and offset, belt deflection etc... are setup per spec. If your looking for a relatively inexpensive way to 'wake up your sled', ...try the following;

- drop upper gear down 1T
- WSW primary spring w/ 2 spacers (you want around 4,000rpm.engage)
- remove upper washer on transfer rod, little more preload on center shock, less on rear (adjustable xfer rods would be nice, if you can find them).
- If this is a stock track (5/8), go for a 1" track (lots of used on ebay)
- I leaned out my mains slightly from stock (always be sure to check your plugs if you decide to do this).
Due to the pipes, I don't want to mess around with the carb. I got it set so everything is happy.

I thought about gear reduction. How much top end speed would I lose if I dropped the upper one? Is it significant? Hard to do?

Stock track, but its in mint condition. Got it CHEAP ($100) at my local dealership! Thinking about throwing some studs in it though..

I think thats what I would go with first, if it doesn't help enough, I might have to get into some clutching! Thanks for the input!
Stud's will work, may want to consider a little more helix as well, I believe VMJ has a 500 on the tech page that's dialed in using a multi-angle helix, ...check it out.
