
I consistantly beat my Son who ride a Viper and I ride the SXR. This is only on very aggresive trails, ie, extream curves and large moguls, not just bumps but large mogules. Now, on a full out drag, deep powder or WOT long runs, the Viper always wins. I like slot car handing, and large bumps. Al
my sxr is faaast, its an 01 though. as far as 2strokes go, hard to beat a redhead. if i loose a race, its almost allways on the launch, he who hooks, wins. like mr. viper said, they are both 700cc's.
I would recheck your compression with another gauge. I have three different gauges and all 3 will give a different reading . As much as 10 lbs difference between them. You should have between 115-125 on a healthy motor. Give or take a couple, the good thing is that you were fairly even between the 3.
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