I consistantly beat my Son who ride a Viper and I ride the SXR. This is only on very aggresive trails, ie, extream curves and large moguls, not just bumps but large mogules. Now, on a full out drag, deep powder or WOT long runs, the Viper always wins. I like slot car handing, and large bumps. Al
the one who hook the most will always win
my sxr is faaast, its an 01 though. as far as 2strokes go, hard to beat a redhead. if i loose a race, its almost allways on the launch, he who hooks, wins. like mr. viper said, they are both 700cc's.
I know there both 700 but I have powervalves and about 10 more horse I believe. What should stock compression be ?
I would recheck your compression with another gauge. I have three different gauges and all 3 will give a different reading . As much as 10 lbs difference between them. You should have between 115-125 on a healthy motor. Give or take a couple, the good thing is that you were fairly even between the 3.
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New member
My buddy rides a 97sx 700 that has some mods, and it SCREAMS!! hangs with my SRX somewhat. Definitely a fast sled when set up right.
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