sorry to here but them 1000's were prone to explode..knew a guy here with a new one years back.he went across the Lake with it and did she ever explode to pieces..he was not a happy camper..hope you will have better luck...good riding
Active member
Yup. Im not a hater of ski doo but those 1000s ive seen blow left and right. They definitely have some reliability issues, sorry to tell ya.
Yup. Im not a hater of ski doo but those 1000s ive seen blow left and right. They definitely have some reliability issues, sorry to tell ya.
This one hasn't had an issue yet. Still 150 psi per jug. It could blow up anytime soon but I only trail ride it so it should be good.
Knock on wood. Will miss my baby blue.
Active member
This one hasn't had an issue yet. Still 150 psi per jug. It could blow up anytime soon but I only trail ride it so it should be good.
Knock on wood. Will miss my baby blue.
I hope she does ya good. My post may have sounded worst then it was supposed to by the way. On the other hand while shes goin she should be a screamer
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
New member
Nice sled.....when they run good they go...but are known to grenade!!!
The suspension is much better. Gets around 15 - 16 mpg. Has dual carbides. Durability is still a concern until I drive it for a season.
New member
Couple of guys I ride with have the Mach with no issues yet,just make sure you warm her up before getting on the throttle!!!!
Active member
sled looks clean, like older mach z better. sorry your srx was stolen. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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New member
Rough crowd. Holly smokes.
New member
I believe the good fuel economy claim, it has SDI semi-direct fuel injection. Only negative thing I hear about SDI is it needs a fully charged battery to operate. If your sled needs a jump, forget about it.
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New member
Was just thinking the same thing. Yikes! To each his own as far as I'm concerned, If you like the sled, that's all that matters. I've heard my fair share of "WHY did you buy a Yamaha?" WHY would you ever buy a triple? they're nothing but problems." I bought it because I liked the sled. Every maker has it's problems, if they didn't, there wouldn't be forums like this and all the others.
Sorry to hear about your SRX being stolen, that sucks. Enjoy your new sled. Just like my buddies will enjoy they're Ski Doo's, Polaris's and Arctic Cat's.
Sorry to hear about your SRX being stolen, that sucks. Enjoy your new sled. Just like my buddies will enjoy they're Ski Doo's, Polaris's and Arctic Cat's.
New member
15-16 mpg on a 1000cc 2stroke sled is not likely, sdi or not. I sure would like to borrow the calculator you figured that out with. My 8.1 crew cab 4x4 chevrolet 2500HD gets "around" 15mpg LOL (reality is 10, but it is "around" 15).
Looks like a nice sled, I would like to have one, and a 1000 kitty cat one day also, regardless of reliability, or fuel mileage, they gotta put a big grin on your face when you squeeze the loud handle!
Looks like a nice sled, I would like to have one, and a 1000 kitty cat one day also, regardless of reliability, or fuel mileage, they gotta put a big grin on your face when you squeeze the loud handle!

I think he is better off joining dootalk now where he will be adored..I know a sled is a sled but the posting will only get worse because this is a Yami site..I personally owned 2 doos in my life and was not impressed so I switched to Yamaha and never looked back...another thing to watch out on that 1000..it will eat many belts over time as I witnessed a friend of mine go thru as we rode..it was fast and he was the leader of the pack(7 of us) but that belt exploded good and not to long after that on the Lake he opened it up and all hell broke loose.He tried to go after the dealer for waranty..damage was pegged at approx $7000 for a new engine and work..to much coin for me.
I'll chime in too. It's not the pistons that go... It's the crank. At 5000 this guy got rid of it since that is about the life span. Bugs me how some manufacturers build junk and sell it as a premium machine. Well... Until... Ya know. However, I may be slightly biased.
Rough crowd. Holly smokes.
I completely agree.....this is ridiculous! If you cant post something positive or helpful, dont post at all! This is Totallyamaha.......and we post with respect to all brand owners!
The next negative post, gets the poster some time off!
New member
I agree give the guy a break. Every one just wants to have a good season no matter what! Have fun on your new sled bud!
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
Active member
dude, sorry your srx was stolen. that was a nice sled. 3:16 (YAMMIE TONY)
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Thanks for your support, Sno-xr. I am thick skin'd so I can take. The real bummer is my sled was stolen. Insurance gave me enough money to buy a 2005 Mach Z without any of my own cash so if the motor goes, it owes me nothing. In the meantime, I can watch the face of a SRX 700 rider as I fly by him doing 125 mph. Just kidding. You guys are all my friends, regardless of what political beliefs you have, religion you practice, car you drive, or sled you ride. It doesn't matter.
Only the ignorant would have an issue with this.
Only the ignorant would have an issue with this.