New member
02 srx 700 all stock 5200 miles came outta a corner hit the flipper only went to 7500 rpm 5 secs later POW!!... Was 29f @ 900ft DCS light never came on it was using using the right amount of oil (ams). Stock air box. using right plugs. Carbs we're tight. Already rode 500 miles this year and nothing's changed. Center cylinder what happened?? dirty carb?

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Super Moderator
Wow thats bad, can you show us the top of the piston? WHeres the rest of it?
My best guess you had a leak some where and mid cylinder leaned out. Once you get her back together I'd do a pressure test. Sucks having to work on our sleds when there is so much powder out side right now. I had a chain go bad on my zrt Sunday. I'm waiting on parts now.
it look like the piston explode .........its hard to tell so mutch damage ...or it runs leans and u didn't stop than burn burn burn till it blow

that's bad right there, don't know what to say....
Active member
Ive never seen damage like that before. the piston completely split at the ring grove. You sure a large boulder wasnt sucked up into her?
well to me it defiantly looks like it was because of a lean condition, its got 4 equal spots digs in the cylinder which would lead me to think it was a 4 point seizure. I would defiantly do a leak down test to make sure your not sucking air from some where. Thats a rugged blow up. Hopefully you can get her fixed up rather quickly. Alot of winter left
New member
That makes me sad... it barely even resembles a piston anymore...
Active member
well to me it defiantly looks like it was because of a lean condition, its got 4 equal spots digs in the cylinder which would lead me to think it was a 4 point seizure. I would defiantly do a leak down test to make sure your not sucking air from some where. Thats a rugged blow up. Hopefully you can get her fixed up rather quickly. Alot of winter left
Those "digs" gotta be from a rod going up/down with just a wrist pin on it. To deep for a seizure.
The rod must be in tough shape.
Not enough pics to do a real assessment.
New member
you said its stock but are the pistons oem or have they been replaced at some point?
Active member
wow thats bad.... the only time i have ever seen this much damage is when some one runs a triple like a twin for a while, or a thrown rod. interesting how what looks to be the piston dome separated.
New member
some of the aftermarket parts manufacturers make some serious crap. kimpex ,SPI and so on. I've had pistons come that were marked wrong , the ring pins were either missing all together or were laying in the bottom of the box, skirts cracked and so on.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Those "digs" gotta be from a rod going up/down with just a wrist pin on it. To deep for a seizure.
The rod must be in tough shape.
Not enough pics to do a real assessment.
X2....whats the rest of it look like. Lean should have triggered DCS. Whats the PV look like? Piece of it break of and piston tried to EAT it?
New member
Never been apart. power valve is intact. The rest of piston is it a million parts down in crank. Always ran ams intercepter and premium gas since new
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maybe just piston fatigue or something along that.Do you know if maybe your DCS bulb is working or burnt out..doesn't make sense.I know when the DCS came out on the 02's,Snow Tech mag did tests on it.I think they dropped like 12 jetting sizes unpurpose and the engine would not blow..DCS keep saving it..
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Never been apart. power valve is intact. The rest of piston is it a million parts down in crank. Always ran ams intercepter and premium gas since new
Whats the other 2 pistons/cylinders look like?
New member
New member
Plugs and piston wash looked good on other 2
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
The top of the piston still in the cylinder doesn't look like a lean issue to me. Pic is some what hazy and pile of debris doesn't help either. I would think most of the carnage is from the 5 seconds of 7500 RPM. If you haven't pulled the other 2 heads and cylinders I would, may have some clues in those cylinders what lead to this. Curious to what the guys with more experience than I think.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Plugs and piston wash looked good on other 2
I am curious if theres any scuffing on cylinder walls. Seems like piston would have to had to ben rocking pretty good to break skirts, then chunk of skirt flopping around may laid the bottom of piston until wrist pin bosses let go