Clutching form idea


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
There should be a form that the newbies could fill that would help us to get the right clutch set up for them.

The idea is like this. There are 3-5 categories, with up to 10 points each, but you can only choose like 15-35 points.

1) Upshift/acceleration
2) Backshift
3) Top speed
4) Cost of clutch parts (10 is the lowest cost)

E.G an srx rider that spends most of his time on the river racing others could have like this:

1) 10
2) 1
3) 10
4) 1

What do you think of this idea?
How many categories should we have?
There might be some issues that I haven't thought about.

I would describe my srx HC set up, derived from MRviper700's set up like this

1) 8
2) 9
3) 7 or 8
4) 1

Personally I don't see the advantage. All they have to do is post what they realistically want. With or without some form the problem is they usually think they can have everything in one package.
What if they just said on a thread what they wanted, how they wanted to spread the points on the categories?
