Did some more checking into my srx 600. I did a vaccum test on the middle cylinder. It just barely flickers the guage when pulling. The outer two make it really move. So I took carbs off and did the same test with the same results. Is there a crank seal that seperates the middle cylinder? Im getting closer. Im thinkin I have to pull the motor. I used 5psi of compressed air in to center intake boot. I could hear the air escape but I could not feel it anywhere. Thanks for your help
how are the reeds on that cylinder?
power valves cleaned and adjusted?
power valves cleaned and adjusted?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
With this new info I would be looking harder for a hole in the bottom of the case as mentioned in the other thread.
Im gonna remove the motor. I dont have a clutch puller any way to remove it without one?
Hole in the case. You called it. How expensive of a fix is this gonna be
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Hole in the case. You called it. How expensive of a fix is this gonna be
Did you get clutch off? If you have bolt that will thread into clutch (where clutch tool would) You can pack with grease or tip sled up and fill with water. Thread bolt in and pushes cluth off.
Some guys would say you have to change out cases. Both top and bottom as they are matched/mated halves. Others would say depending on the hole it can be welded. A pic is worth a 1000 words. My concern first off is what caused the hole to begin with. Pretty sure that was the original problem. If I remember correctly you got sled with 0 compression on center and replaced center cylinder and piston right? Sucking air threw that hole it wasn't bring in fuel/oil to cylinder..... Lets see a pic
Havent got clutch off yet. I will try grease trick and then get you a pic.
Tried the to get the clutch off with no luck...
just weld that up from the outside bottom, you dont even have to worry about making it look nice. Then on the inside take a flapper wheel and blend it smooth and reassmeble the engine. Since you have it apart you mise well put new crank seals on it.
one tip: if your gonna tig weld the hole, clamp that case down very well with like 5 or 6 sets of clamp to the table, wash area well with brake clean first. It will save you some time to preheat it with mapp gas and then tig it unless you have the helium/argon mix gas.
one tip: if your gonna tig weld the hole, clamp that case down very well with like 5 or 6 sets of clamp to the table, wash area well with brake clean first. It will save you some time to preheat it with mapp gas and then tig it unless you have the helium/argon mix gas.
Could you just lay a piece of copper flat inside the case and then weld it from the out side
ya, but its curved there but a strip of copper or brass bent to fit radius inside and clamped would keep alot of it from getting inside. You can use a mig with alum spool too but the tig melts it in nicer in my opinion.
Ok I have a mig with aluminum spool at work. Do you still have to clamp it the same way?
mig doesnt put alot of heat into the part so you can just clamp on each end, you dont want to spend more time then needed to fill the hole, the more heat you put into the case, the better the chance of warping it. Its a precision machined surface to mate to the other case half,thats why they are marked as a pair so they mate up and dont leak air. The yamabond used between the halves is just for back up for airleaks.
I got it back together and she runs great. But it wont move. When I took the clutch off I didnt have a puller so I used a bolt and tranny fluid to push it off. It came off really hard. It really sprung off of the shaft. Now it doest seem to be moving in much. Any advise?
New member
Dont clean with brake cleaner Phosgene gas is produced when you weld bad stuff
I finally got to make tracks today. This sled is a beast! Last sled I had was a 78 skidoo 440. Thanks everyone for all your help. Never would have got it without you guys. Thanks again
I finally got to make tracks today. This sled is a beast! Last sled I had was a 78 skidoo 440. Thanks everyone for all your help. Never would have got it without you guys. Thanks again
even though sometimes it takes a long time to find the culprit or problem, the satisfaction of repairing it yourself and then riding it, well, it makes you feel good. You did a great job hangin in there, glad your out havin fun, ride safe!