srx dead in the water


New member
Nov 10, 2011
Im sure this topic has been beat through the years several times but I want to make sure I am purchasing the right parts before I buy them. the sled is an 01 srx with about 73xxmiles and stock besides a roller clutch and some reeds. I was riding last night and my headlight seemed to get dim at times and then turn back up. I know theses sleds go through stators so that's what I immediately thought. also the sled would not use the full rpm range. it would maybe hit 8000-8200. the sled seemed doggy the last half of my ride and was just barely keeping up with a 05 vector that has 10k miles and never has had the clutches gone through. then about 5 minutes from home the sled dies and wouldn't start back up. This sounds like a stator to me, is there a good place to get a new one for a decent price? or am I looking at some salvage places? Thanks, Shawn
I Havent looked for any rub throughs yet but I will when I do the stator. Why would the bad ground cause it to not start? that's one of the main reasons I think its the stator is because it wont run and it just died on me and was running for the most part just fine.
The grounded wiring harness is acting like the kill switch the rub through does all sorts of funky stuff I'd check that first
this is my first srx, is the wire harness running under the motor? where are some other common places they rub through?
under the motor they are the most common ..remove exhaust and air box ....hook something to the wire a pull the wire out from under the motor ....the thing u hook on the wiring will help u to bring back the wiring at the original place .....
I Havent looked for any rub throughs yet but I will when I do the stator. Why would the bad ground cause it to not start? that's one of the main reasons I think its the stator is because it wont run and it just died on me and was running for the most part just fine.

its not a bad ground ...its the wiring that goes short to ground
this is my first srx, is the wire harness running under the motor? where are some other common places they rub through?

Search "rub threw" TONS of threads with symptoms, locations and cures. Wouldn't be much fun dropping $200 (shipping/loc-tite) and a few hours work for it to still not run.
ok thanks guys I will look at my harnesses. Why would a rub through make the sled not run up through the full rpm operating range?
ok thanks guys I will look at my harnesses. Why would a rub through make the sled not run up through the full rpm operating range?

First guess.......Rub threw could cause bad signal to servo and valves not open. Second guess......Coils not getting correct voltage for a full power spark. Sooner or later it seems every SRX gets a rub threw some where. You may not have rub threw but is 100% worth while to look the harness over and correct anything prior to buying/installing a stator you don't need. Pulling the pipes/airbox isn't that big of a chore. The harness under the motor can be a PITA some times. Theres aluminuim tabs bent over harness holding it down to belly. Can be tricky bending them up to release harness with motor in the way. There is a process for testing stator with an ohm meter that I am unfamiliar with.
So i did some diggin on my sled and i have no spark what so ever. So has anyone seen a stator go out while riding and then have no spark at all? Everytime a stator has died on me it has had weak intermittent spark but not any spark at all. I know most people will say to check for rub throughs but would that make me not have any spark at all? What about a bad CDI? I was driving along the trail just fine other than my light dimming on and off, then all of the sudden the sled just died and no soark at all. I already tried moving the headlight switch to the high position and tried putting new pluggs in with no luck at all. Anymore ideas anyone???
I also am noticing that alot of the wires in the sled have electrical tape wrapped around them, even the one that runs under the motor its wrapped up as far as i can see under the engine.
Try unplugging the White Load relay. It is located above the left foot well right behind the secondary clutch. removing the relay disconnects all the lights ect from the electrical systems and will let the sled run to get you home.
If the sled will run when you remove the relay you have a rub through with a shorted wire somewhere.
if you have no spark, youll need to start at the source and work your way out to the spark plugs, so youll need a multi meter and check the pick up coil first.

theres a post in tech section for no spark, thats where you need to go.
dang it, bob beat me by a

ya try what he said,,,,if no go, then do what I said.......
