I need some ideas on how to fix the stripped out holes in the bottom section of my airbox.I did some searches but couldn't find what I need.Anybody had success in fixing theirs?

Super Moderator
x2, i have a few of these. I thought about melting some plastic in there and just retapping hole but was looking for better fix.
New member
What a out filling the hole with epoxy then drill and tap
New member
If you got a bigger screw maybe you could get it to cut some new threads since its just plastic. Of course you'd have to be careful not to crack it while trying to get the bigger screw to thread in.
Thread setters

I took some # 10 - #12 threaded screws and worked them in the holes.Cuts its own thread and holds good.
just throw some away u will save on weight lollll

probably could use zip ties as well..
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I'm not exactly sure which ones your talking about. Haven't been in an airbox lately. But here's my redneck way of fixing stripped bolts/fastener types shtuff in the house.
I take the female piece of....whatever, and break off a piece or 2 of toothpick in it. Put plenty of nail polish (blue locktite)on the threads of the bolt. Turn the bolt in till it's german torqued.......gould-n-tite.
I take the female piece of....whatever, and break off a piece or 2 of toothpick in it. Put plenty of nail polish (blue locktite)on the threads of the bolt. Turn the bolt in till it's german torqued.......gould-n-tite.
Or just jump on Craigslist and grab one off a parted sled. $15 and your good to go.
New member
I'm not exactly sure which ones your talking about. Haven't been in an airbox lately. But here's my redneck way of fixing stripped bolts/fastener types shtuff in the house.
I take the female piece of....whatever, and break off a piece or 2 of toothpick in it. Put plenty of nail polish (blue locktite)on the threads of the bolt. Turn the bolt in till it's german torqued.......gould-n-tite.
I like the sounds of that fix, I bet it holds good. Git R Done !!
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
And please help all the starving pygmys in New Guinae. Amen
yep, just fill the hole with epoxy and screw it in ..when it gets hard screw it out..makes its own thread!
New member
I have a bottom. Pay for shipping u own it
Well I was screwing around tonight with the sled and I figured I'd see what I can do with the stripped holes.Being this is my 98 I'm pretty much set to use an airbox from a 98 because of where my power valve servo mounts otherwise I'd just grab another bottom half and throw it in there.So anyway this is what I did.First thing I tried was a little hand held micro torch,the type that take a cigarette lighter,used it to heat up the hole and the outside of it then try to melt some plastic into the hole.This turned out to be too much heat and started to melt things I didn't want so then I broke out the soldering iron I use for doing electronics repair,stuck the tip down into the hole and softened up the plastic there and then used some thin pieces of stuff I cut to do the repair with and used the iron to melt it and work it into the hole.The trick is to keep the plastic in the hole soft enough so that the new plastic you introduce sticks to it.Then once I got all the holes done I put the top half on,used a small drill bit to mark the holes,remove the top and drill out the new holes.I drilled the new holes a bit smaller so that the screws actually cut new threads as they went in.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I too have done this. If the hole is loose enough, grease the threads before inserting. That will act as a release agent. Use an acid brush(after greasing) on the threads to insure the profile of the threads, transfer into the hardened epoxy.yep, just fill the hole with epoxy and screw it in ..when it gets hard screw it out..makes its own thread!
New member
This forum has tons of great ideas!