Awful gas mileage.

I am gonna get some popcorn and sit back and watch where this goes, lol....
I am gonna get some popcorn and sit back and watch where this goes, lol....

Tell me about it.... My reeds are good I just rebuilt the engine and replaced the crank seals and I checked the reeds while I was I was doing this. Floats are good. Airbox has some gas/oil residue which I've read is normal. The only thing I can think of is the Needle and seat and or the o-rings. FJ gets 12 MPG on his needles being at 3.25 I don't think thats the problem. Could the TPS sensor cause me to run rich, I know it only works on midrange driving but thats where I feel it lacking in power.
Tell me about it.... My reeds are good I just rebuilt the engine and replaced the crank seals and I checked the reeds while I was I was doing this. Floats are good. Airbox has some gas/oil residue which I've read is normal. The only thing I can think of is the Needle and seat and or the o-rings. FJ gets 12 MPG on his needles being at 3.25 I don't think thats the problem. Could the TPS sensor cause me to run rich, I know it only works on midrange driving but thats where I feel it lacking in power.

hard to beleive your gonna have 3 needle and seat or 3 oring seat to fail at same time ...take a seat and look at everything u did maybe u will found the error u did
You're sure you have the shims in the right position?

3.25 setting- 4th groove down from top of needle(non tapered part), both plastic shims on TOP of the clip
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You're sure you have the shims in the right position?

3.25 setting- 4th groove down from top of needle(non tapered part), both plastic shims on TOP of the clip

Yes sir. 4th Clip both on top. Used to be 3rd clip down both on bottom.
My needles are at 3.25 and I got 11.7mpg last fillup (riding relatively hard at 10 degrees F). According to my pocket tuner the needle only works between 1/4 and 3/4 throttle, and not very much at the 1/4 and 3/4 ends (so if you're slow cruising the needle has virtually no affect).

Sorry I don't know what the TPS does, but it does not affect fuel flow.
come on now guys dont tell modsrx your getting good mileage, its all in the wrong needle settings, just ask
come on now guys dont tell modsrx your getting good mileage, its all in the wrong needle settings, just ask

didn't say I was 100% sure about it ....told him to sit a check everything he did ....for sure he did something around the carb ..ask don pizor lolllll
Took my float needles back out, two of them has an indent where it meets the seat, the other doesn't and two of the o-rings look good and the other doesn't. Hopefully this is my problem.
So I switched out my carb float needles, seats and all o-rings, adjusted my floats to 14.5mm (11.3-15.3 is spec I believe) and gave everything a cleaning. While I was in there I decided to check my reeds, 4 of the 6 group of pedals have some sort of chipping or damage. Would this cause my crappy low-mid bog and high gas mileage? I've searched google and it seems to be a good possibly. Anyone on here have experience with bad reeds causing bad mileage and a midrange bog? I already ordered news ones because they're cheap but would like some input.

So I switched out my carb float needles, seats and all o-rings, adjusted my floats to 14.5mm (11.3-15.3 is spec I believe) and gave everything a cleaning. While I was in there I decided to check my reeds, 4 of the 6 group of pedals have some sort of chipping or damage. Would this cause my crappy low-mid bog and high gas mileage? I've searched google and it seems to be a good possibly. Anyone on here have experience with bad reeds causing bad mileage and a midrange bog? I already ordered news ones because they're cheap but would like some input.


probably your reason why it did run ritch ......this is why sometime u need to have a seat and look at everything ....glad u found your trouble
I am going through nearly the same thing with my Viper. Poor midrange and not quite the top end I expect. Poor mileage. Found a bad pedal in all 3 cages. Also found PV out of adjustment...looks like the previous owner used a cable off another sled because I had to put the lock nut inside the servo housing to get the gap I needed. I also think that he set it just by using the other cables as a guide where to set this one....big mistake. Way too tight. Most important thing I have learned when buying a pre owned sled...assume nothing other than that the previous owner was a complete idiot.

Did you notice it was a little hard to start? Mine was taking 7-8 pulls when the other Viper would only take 3.

Feels good to find the culprit doesn't it! Let us know how it goes.
Took about 5-6 pulls to start, my wife's srx would take 2-3. I thought the viper would be easier to start based on what I've read about the SRX being hard starters.

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