Viper secondary clutch question


New member
Feb 9, 2014
I just picked up an 02 viper, while riding it I noticed a rattle in the secondary clutch, I replaced it with a secondary off of a blown 98 srx 700 that I have. After I did this there was no more rattle and it ran like new. My question is if it is ok to run a secondary clutch off of a 98 srx 700 on an 02 viper? Thanks. And what is the top rpm I should be seeing? Thanks .
Both sleds stock are 47*helix and red spring, should work fine. You should be seeing 8500 rpm's max on the Viper. If everything is stock in both primary and secondary clutches though you'll probably be at around 9,000 rpm's. Where are your rpm's? What is the helix and spring in the secondary?
Seacoast nh, What town? I'm right next to portsmouth in Kittery,let's go riding! I am an outboard mechanic and new to working on sleds but am learning quick. I can't remember what my top rpm was but hopefully will be able to tell you soon.i am not sure how to tell the helix and spring but I think the spring had a color stamped on it, is that how I tell?
I'm in Epping. I work out of Eliot, right next door. Do you ride in Maine or NH? (I'm guessing Maine).
As far as the helix goes, my old (stock 47*) helix has 8BV71 stamped on the outside of it. Spring will be black with a red dot on it (if it's stock).
Nice, I work in Eliot too, and hang out there a lot. I did 40 miles the other day in Eliot, on the weekends I go up To Rangeley and ride. I can't stand riding in New Hampshire because of the speed limit. I can get the info off the clutch if you think you could get some useful info off of it. Thanks.
I hear ya on the speed limits for sure!
No, just pin it it and see where where your rpm's are at.
When I punch the throttle I can reach 8000 for about five seconds and then it comes back down to 7000 rpm at full throttle. Sometimes it will hang on to 8000 for 12 seconds and others only about four seconds.
How are both springs? One or both could be just worn out. Something to check out. Need to know what your wrap is set at on the secondary. Primary weights etc. Lots of variables. There was another post recently with a similar problem.
I changed my plugs and foam air filter and that brought me up to 8000 rpm. I checked my plugs before I posted and they weren't fouled and looked perfect, so I didn't think that was the issue. Now that I'm at 8000 should I try to tune it to 8500?
