New member
So, I've read quite a few of the hang idle threads. I have an idea of what I need to do to begin trouble shooting it (adjust idle down/adjust fuel screws out), but nothing addressed one small thing that's happening with me, so here's what's going on. A month ago I got some SLP triples put on my 2000 MM (thanks Frank!). Everything was spot on, clutching, jetting, RPM's good, plugs looked great. After a few rides, I developed a hang idle, most noticeably yesterday. My warm idle is set at 1900+/-, and from idle up to WOT everything is awesome and if I keep it above engagement, I have no issues. When it comes back down, it hangs at 3000-3200, and if I blip the throttle while it's still hanging, i get a PING-PING-PING noise and no power, like TORS is kicking in or ?? After 10-30 seconds it will finally idle back down. So, early in my ride I popped the hood and found one of the plug caps loose, pushed it back on, rode a little, and it still did the same thing. The other thing I noticed is that the foam screen on the top of the airbox had lost a few 'chunks'. Could this be part of the problem? I have some panty-hose that I'm going to fix that with. Should I adjust my warm idle down first, and then if that doesn't work, adjust the fuel screws out 1/4 turn? New plug caps? I still don't quite understand the PINGING and power loss issue at the hang idle. Help!
foam wouldnt factor in there. adjust your throttle cable or make sure its not hanging up. an idle hang wouldnt do your ping,ping thing, but your switches will.
1900 is a bit strong for idle. my piped 01 runs around 1600. could be the high idle activating tors?
no airbox mods or extra air to deal with? bar risers causing a cable pull at different cycles of the bars?
your description sounds like tors. easy to tell, loosen the cable, back down the idle, or bypass the tors for testing.
1900 is a bit strong for idle. my piped 01 runs around 1600. could be the high idle activating tors?
no airbox mods or extra air to deal with? bar risers causing a cable pull at different cycles of the bars?
your description sounds like tors. easy to tell, loosen the cable, back down the idle, or bypass the tors for testing.
Had a similar problem on my viper... Idled down to about 1200 and I adjusted the throttle ALL the way as loose as it would go before I would lose throttle pull on the fun flipper. So when i squeeze it tight to the bars it is all the way open, but just barely. TORS and idle issues went away... You would be surprised how much extra cable is there.
New member
I'm getting in the garage tonight, so I'll look at the cables and back down my idle first. I know at full clock either way I have no change in RPM. Maybe its iced up, catching a little. And no, no airbox mods. Other than the described chunks missing out of the filter. If none of that works, I'll probably try an extra 1/4 turn out on the fuel screws.
New member
Well, backing the idle off to 1500-1600 made a difference. Coming back down it will briefly hang at 2500 now for like one second and then go down to where it's supposed to be. But now I have a whole different issue. Another thread...