

New member
Nov 4, 2012
Fergus, Ontario
Anyone know the weights of an srx and a apex xtx? Thinking about buying an apex next year and just wondering how much heavier it will be compared to my srx. Thanks guys!
XTX is probably 40ish pounds heavier imo. Hard to say with the way they publish weights and the different suspension/reverse options.
Anyone know the weights of an srx and a apex xtx? Thinking about buying an apex next year and just wondering how much heavier it will be compared to my srx. Thanks guys!

its quite a bit heavier, you have to remember its a 4 cyl 4 stroke, that has motor oil, valves,cams,etc. I just rode 300 miles this past weekend on a apex gt, was good and fun but you can defintiely tell its alot beefier in the bumps. On smooth groomed trails, it was a cadillac for sure and had great power. Hit the woods trails that the groomer cant reach and youll know your on a heavy sled. The srx is also heavy in the same scenario but not as bad as the apex. I can notice right away from a sxr or viper to srx in the same kind of trails, those triple pipes are heavy and the suspension isnt really meant/set up for that stuff.

friend had a brand new rush 800, wow... that sled feels like a little dirtbike, but thats another story and not what you asked about anyways.

good luck in your decision, if you get a chance to spend some seat time, do it, as thats really the only way to truely tell if your going to like something, ride it for a hour and youll know.
Ok, thanks guys! I just missed a demo day 2 days ago too. I'm going to be keeping my srx as I just dropped my brothers engine into...I blew mine up!;) anyways, is like a four stroke...just not sure if it's going to be a nytro, viper, or apex. Would really like an apex but I'm not sure I want to have the extra weight. I feel like death after digging out my srx!! Ha!
