Best clutch mod on stock viper


New member
Jan 14, 2014
Looking for a little more grunt out of my 04 viper mtn. Whats the best clutch mod you can do to a stock mtn viper....Helix? Springs?
sled is bone stock with a vari-flow and an 05' viper mtn skid.
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Go over to Hartman's website and read up on his clutching page. It's a good bit of information for what a mountain sled wants for clutching. I cannot share like for like but I can give you what I did to my mountain max that he recommended. Changed to a w-w-w primary and silver secondary spring, kept the stock weights, rivets and rollers and 43 degree helix. Dropped the wrap down to 60 degrees for riding in the 0-3500' altitude curve. If you haven't changed your chain case gearing think about dropping a tooth on the top gear. I was at 21/39 from the reverse kit being installed which put me under the factory ratio. I went to 20/39 which put me slightly over the factory ratio. Sled loves when I go from partial to full throttle now. Comes on real strong when I'm in a climb and have to pin it to win it. Without getting into multi angle helix, a flatter helix will back shift quicker when the engine comes under load to keep it up in the power band. The primary spring dropped my engagement down to around 4400 from 5200, and the sled will immediately up shift and be rolling about 15mph at 4000, put will take off when you pin it. Once you get the springs taken care of its a matter of tuning the rivets to maintain peak rpm when you are flat out on the trail. I haven't really been able to do that yet, nothing straight and long enough but I did the magic marker trick on my primary to see if I'm getting all the way through the clutches out in the woods. If your not getting all the way to the top of the primary with your current gearing and riding style you can gear down and won't lose anything on the top end. It will make the sled snappier and pull harder, and your clutches and belt will be happier by running cooler.
Heel clicker set up. Nothing, and i mean no other weight grips the belt like the heel clicker weights on a two stroke yamaha. Hands down best investment you can purchase. Aside from suspension modifications, my engine is stock with a bender 4x4, i only added this for weight reduction and 3-4 ponies in mid range. My sled has a 136x1.5 lug and it may not be a top end animal but i give F7's fits up to 75 mph. I usually get them out of the hole by 2-4 sled lengths and hold that gap til about 500 ft. Where my sled tops out. The great thing about the heel clicker weight is that it is adjustable. I can have a drag sled one day, and a trail cruiser the next.
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