99 srx clutching


New member
Feb 24, 2014
ok now b4 you all get your undies in a wad, hear me out. i have little time to ride and even less time to tune. what im looking for is a good trail setup. just got this sled it has . 8dn 20 weights not sure on the rivet weight but both holes have a rivet wyw primary spring, red secondary and a hauk W helix not sure of what number the holes are that the spring is sitting in though. everything else is stock except for a DG can on it. im 260lbs. im just looking for a good allaround trail setup that i can just throw in and go. any help would be apreciated. sled seems to rum pretty good now but i got spanked by my buddies 03 stock viper.and from what i read on here i should be able to beat him. Im at 8500rpm oh and are D G cans any good? i have the stock one with it but the DG sounds pretty burly!! : ):lol: thanx for the help Slay
search here for your clutch set up, TONS of threads on this. DITCH THE CAN, that has also been beat to death around here. I run the loaded 8dn20 set up in my 98, and it is hard to beat. www primary, green sec @70, I prefer the straight 47 helix, but also run the 51/43, seems faster, and quicker with the straight 47 though. there are tons of other set ups that will get you where you need to be, I think your rpm is a touch high at 8500, mine runs about 8300 usually.
ok so run the stock. and how do you measure what degree twist you have? and loaded you mean 4.5grams? in your weights? and does my weight make a diff? 260 pounds
search here for your clutch set up, TONS of threads on this. DITCH THE CAN, that has also been beat to death around here. I run the loaded 8dn20 set up in my 98, and it is hard to beat. www primary, green sec @70, I prefer the straight 47 helix, but also run the 51/43, seems faster, and quicker with the straight 47 though. there are tons of other set ups that will get you where you need to be, I think your rpm is a touch high at 8500, mine runs about 8300 usually.

soooo.....loaded im assuming 4.5 in both?? straight 47 helix is stock i believe? wonder if the wyw primary spring with 1 engagement shim will be similar to www? i was also just thinking of picking up a gram scale at wallyworld and using nuts and bolts?? wonder if that will be a bit faster to get it dialed in then grinding rivets?
anyone have any suggestions about this? thanx slay
I use bolts with a dab of red loctite, grind a bit of material off of the nut and bolt head to get the weight i want, quick and easy.4.5 in both holes, and yes the stock helix is 47. Depending on how old your primary spring is you may want a new one anyway, not bad money for them
you have some stock stuff here. 8dn-20 are good weights. those were 00-01-02 srx weights. somebody changed those out. your primary spring don,t exist. i think you mean y-w-y. stock. secondary spring red dot is also stock. the hauck '' w'' is a 56-50 listed here. if it is, way wrong helix. exhaust can is up to you. they are power robbers. i would go to the w-w-w spring in primary and a 51-43 cam with green spring. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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yea ywy sorry. the secondary spring is pure red not black with a red dot. so tony you think stock helix no good either? i could buy the helix but im kind of a tightwad! : ) and those 8dn20s with 4.5 in both is good? and where is a good place to buy the springs and such? the yamaha dealer in town already stuck it in and broke it off!! (if ya know what i mean)!! was wondering of a good aftermarket place? and the degree of twist?? how do i know what degree it is? thanx slay
thats a very popular set-up here for all srx,s 98-02. if the spring in the secondary is all red, that could be a hauck sno-cross spring. i never used one of those. i would like to see ya run the black yamaha spring with the green dot. around 70 twist. this stuff is yamaha stuff so you can get this stuff anywhere, here or yamaha discount warehouse or even ronnies .com. or hauck power sports or bender racing.
get these springs
yamaha w-w-w 90501-583L1-00
green spring -90508-556A2
Ok thanx alot tony I'll get those springs and load the weights with 4.5grams both holes. I guess I'll get a stock helix and see where I'm at. After I get the clutching setup, I do believe I'm going to have to get a better skid or a back brace!:2strokes:
...the yamaha dealer in town already stuck it in and broke it off!! (if ya know what i mean)!!
Unless you like it, you really need to try to get that out... jmo... :lol:

and the degree of twist?? how do i know what degree it is? thanx slay
There are numbers either cast-into or stamped-into the helix and the clutch sheave, right next to the holes where the ends of the spring locate.
The helix has the numbers 0, 3, 6, 9
The clutch has the numbers 1, 2, 3

You check to see which holes your spring is located in, and you add those 2 numbers together, then multiply by 10 to get your degree of twist. Therefore, in the 70deg examples above, your spring ends would be in hole 6 on the helix and hole 1 on the clutch.
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ah i gotcha!! thanx for all the info guys. gonna get this dialed in and start handing out 55gal drums of whoopass!!
I have that red secondary spring with 8DN-00 primary weights and stock rollers. (I think the 99 had larger rollers that will throw things off ?)
Sounds like you have mismatched parts, Haucks #3 stock trail set-up from back in the day was a BWB primary with 2 shims, 8DN-00 stock weights 3.1 grams inner and 5.5 grams outer, W helix with Hauck red spring set at 6-1. (This set-up works pretty good)
The red spring has allot of side pressure and has a little more rotational twist than the stock spring.
So that being said I would either go back to what Hauck recomends or go with what Tony recomends. Sounds like the 8DN-20 weight has a strong following, but it might be cheaper to go back to the origonal set-up. Is your gearing stock 23-38 ? Bushings in the primary and secondary in good shape ? good idea to have new primary bushings every 3-4000 miles, secondary you can go longer. Clutch faces clean, Power valves clean, set properly (no pull threws) ? Good belt with proper belt deflection set ? You would be amazed how much power transfer you loose with worn bushings.
A good running stock Viper with a 1.25" rip-saw will give a SRX with a 1" track a hard time on short distances, but you should be able to reel them in at 50-85MPH and get around them before you hit top end.

Nothing is simple in clutching, espically if you just bought the sled and don't know the history or what other componets it has.

Have fun, I hope this helps.
Yea I checked out all that stuff and cleaned and adjusted valves. She pulls good till high mid and top. When I'm cruising wot I can let off to about 3/4 throttle and squeeze it again and it just doesn't have anymore left. I'm hoping tony's setup will give me the top end I seem to be missing. Low end is impressive now. A kid that used to work for me had a 98 mxzx440 and that thing was a absolute bullet out of the hole. I could beat him. Doesn't sound really impressive but if you saw that little sled go, it really did drop your jaw. He beat every other sled he raced to 70mph!
you have some stock stuff here. 8dn-20 are good weights. those were 00-01-02 srx weights. somebody changed those out. your primary spring don,t exist. i think you mean y-w-y. stock. secondary spring red dot is also stock. the hauck '' w'' is a 56-50 listed here. if it is, way wrong helix. exhaust can is up to you. they are power robbers. i would go to the w-w-w spring in primary and a 51-43 cam with green spring. 3:16 (yammie tony)

I have the 8dn 10 weights in my 99. what's the diff between those and the 8dn 20. do they have a different ramp to them. THANK YOU. trying to dial mine in little better. I also have www-4.5/4.5, 53/43, green @70 122 studs.1.25" camoplast. max adj rods. everything else stock
I am a power junky like most people with these sleds. got a feeling I will be doing some porting and big bore / maybe stroker stuff in future. will change setup later if I do major mods. I always ask for Too Much. called Bender and Hauck asked for 30+mph more top end (2000'+ ice run) and faster take off!! On pump gas . I think they thought I a was nuts. Maybe I am But I honestly think it is doable! bigger CC, ignition curve, porting, light track, gear and clutch.
Honestly is 30+on top and faster take off within reason with these mods. I am serious on these mods.
im new to this site and new to major sled mods, but not to racing or serious tuning. I have a 4000lb 78 Monte had since 14 now 40 has 572bbc 4l80e overdrive on pump gas daily driver runs 6.50s in 1/8 10.flat in qtr built everything and tuned myself . also a stroked ported banshee runs 100mph and smokes built stroked 450f quads in short runs(without changing gearing) on pump gas, used to race hare scrambles /mx/ now just horseshoe & drags (getting too old for big air and 2hr cardio workout LOL). 4 stroke guys give me shit until I send them home after a whoopin!!!
