ok now b4 you all get your undies in a wad, hear me out. i have little time to ride and even less time to tune. what im looking for is a good trail setup. just got this sled it has . 8dn 20 weights not sure on the rivet weight but both holes have a rivet wyw primary spring, red secondary and a hauk W helix not sure of what number the holes are that the spring is sitting in though. everything else is stock except for a DG can on it. im 260lbs. im just looking for a good allaround trail setup that i can just throw in and go. any help would be apreciated. sled seems to rum pretty good now but i got spanked by my buddies 03 stock viper.and from what i read on here i should be able to beat him. Im at 8500rpm oh and are D G cans any good? i have the stock one with it but the DG sounds pretty burly!! : )
thanx for the help Slay