99 srx gear and chain question


New member
Feb 24, 2014
is it possible to change my 99 with silent chain and gears to hyvo? what would i have to change? maybe tensioner? im looking for a stock setup with 23/37 but it seems the 37 is really hard to find. is the hyvo easier to find? thanx:o|
yes you can. The cheapist is to find gears from a newer SRX or Viper. I recently picked up gears and a chain from a viper (22-38 stock) I bought a 23 top gear and now have the same ratio as the newer SRX'S. Most people on here agree the 23-37 gearing is a tad to high of a ratio.
I just put reverse on my wifes SRX and have the chain and gears, and I believe the tensioner. I sell it to you cheap if you want em. Its from a 2000 SRX.
Sorry snow dad forgot that I posted that over there. Yea I'm interested in them. I'm not really sure what they are worth. Many miles on them?
