Angled Riser for my Viper


New member
Mar 11, 2013
Hey, I just bought a 3 inch angled bar riser from RSI. It's got a 30 degree angle, that's supposed to bring your bars up straight and encourage a more modern riding style. I thought it would go good with the 3 inch rise in seat height that my newly ordered boss seat will give. Has anyone installed these risers, how do you like them? Will these fit without having to get new cables and brake lines (theres been alot of mixed info on how long you can go)?
I bet your bars will hit the windshield at full turn. With a 1" rise the ends of the bars are very close to the windshield. I for one don't like the feel of "ape hanger" bars. Not at all comfortable to ride with while on the trail in a setting position. Stand up yes, but really who want's to ride all the time standing up? Al
I bet your bars will hit the windshield at full turn. With a 1" rise the ends of the bars are very close to the windshield. I for one don't like the feel of "ape hanger" bars. Not at all comfortable to ride with while on the trail in a setting position. Stand up yes, but really who want's to ride all the time standing up? Al

I have a smaller aftermarket windshield so I think I'll be ok, but I've never seen that brought up in any riser thread, interesting...... I figured with the bars more forward I'd be able to sit more forward on the new seat.
It sound's like it may work well for you. From what I've read and seen when I put risers on all three of my vipers is that 3" and less you can keep all cables and lines stock. I ended up keeping alignment with the steering shaft because imo mountain sleds get more stress on the handlebars then trail machines. It makes sense with your seat. If you have oem snowmobile covers I would check to see if it will still work. It will be interesting so see how it works out.
Let me know how it goes, most posts I've read say you can only go 2" riser without changing the cables. But if i can go 3" that would be better for me. Let me know I'm going riding the next 3 days and planned on picking one up.
If you have oem snowmobile covers I would check to see if it will still work. It will be interesting so see how it works out.

It was tight with a 1" riser, but the Yamaha cover has like stretchy material where the handlebar goes so I think it'll be alright. If not I'll Martha Stewart that thing and get it to fit.

Took the bar pad off today and measured, Ive got a good 3-3.5 inches of clearance before the wires start fighting. So it looks like I'll be ok. I think the 30 degree angle will help also as it brings the bars forward which allows for more space, If it was a 3" block I think it would be close. I'll post pics when I install in about a week or whenever my risers get here. I also ordered a Renthal Cross Bar and Yamaha Bar Pad, so we'll see how that goes. I don't like the look of the stock Yamaha bar pad with a riser, I've seen pictures it just looks goofy when its not touching the dash.
Got my riser on today finally. USPS ships things the stupidest ways. I also put a Renthal universal cross bar on so I could attach a Yamaha bar pad. 3" leaves me plenty of room and none of the wires are tight.



and the stock cover still fits good

Tomorrow is testing day. I'll let you know. It only had a 1" on there before and I'm 6'3" so this should be a small improvement. Now I just have to get something to hide the wires.
Ive used a 3" Rox risor and sometimes had the cables pull tight at full turn of the bars. This can cause the TORS to just be aware. Having the stock bar cover off and routing the cables just right helps. I also remember having to rotate the brake line where it mounts on the caliper to give a little more slack there too.
Looks good ;)!
I don't mean to hijack the thread but I figured I might be able to ask a question within instead of creating a new thread.

I am interested in handlebar risers and the more more the better but I would like to try 2" to prevent having to reroute or replace any cables. Any reason I shouldn't try the 2" PowerMadd riser block. Part number is PM15505. Seems like the going rate is about $27.
Down side to a block riser is that it pushes you further back on the seat, where a pivot riser or angled riser(like the one in this topic) will help keep you forward on the sled. Which will give you a better attack position when riding bumps. Kind of like the idea with the rider forward positioning of many new sleds. Spend the extra $$ and buy a good qualitiy pivoting wont regret it.
Tried the riser and it was great. No issues with any cables pulling. I already moved my brake cable up to give more slack but suspect it wouldn't have mattered. I think because it's angled and brings the bars more forward it allows for more slack in the cables. The only downside with the install is the RSI riser bolts from the bottom, so I had to drill out the threads on the post so the bolts could bolt from underneath. The dash is in the way so it's tricky getting the bolts on, other than that install was a breeze.

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Now if stupid Canada post would deliver my 2 Boss seats my setup would be complete.

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