02 Viper bogging


New member
Feb 9, 2014
I am looking for help diagnosing my 02 viper bogging problem. Sometime when slow down coming to a stop my sled Boggs. It Boggs down until I hit idle rpms for a moment, and then goes back to normal . It feels almost like I hit the ignition kill switch on accident . Otherwise it runs great.
Kinda sounds like the TORS is acting up. TORS switches go bad and sometimes they just need a good cleaning. Make sure you've got enough slack in the throttle cable, if it's too tight that'll set the TORS off.
The tight throttle cable would make sense. I have risen the bars a bit without extending the throttle cable. Think the tors is dirty or throttle line too tight, or maybe both? I don't know what tors is but will have to do some research. Thanks .
X3 it sound like the TORS. Throttle overide switch, in the event that the throttle would stick open it puts the engine in limp mode.
If you just put the riser on I would say cable. Loosen up the cable tension by adjusting the cable down by the carbs, but you should go threw the whole procedure of setting the throttle in this order.
set idle (engine warm) set free play at the thumb throttle (around 3-4mm) then check your oil pump free play (21mm plus or minus 1) which will be effected by adjusting the throttle cable. All the detailed info in in here.
Then keep track of your oil to gas ratio to fine toon your oil usage. you should be using about a quart of oil every 100 miles or aprox 3 ounces of oil per gallon of gas. Sometimes you have to run a shorter gap to get the proper oil usage depending on your set-up.
one more thing, if you ever have the carbs off pull the reed cages off and inspect the reed petals. Vipers are know to chip or break reeds which can cause a bog or lazy throttle responce. I don't think you have this issue yet but once you get in the 5-7000 mile range I would expect every Viper has this issue.
Thanks for the response. When you say free play On the throttle, is that from when I touch the throttle to the point where it actually starts raising rpm? I wouldn't of thought of messing with the oil pump, if I mess with the throttle cable or add an extension , can this effect my oil ratio?
