My first ride on my new to me 03 viper


New member
Dec 25, 2013
After my first day riding I have a couple questions for you guys. First off would be the thumb warmer doesn't work. How would I go about trouble shooting it? Second would be after riding for awhile and coming to a stop it will idle around 4000 rpms for about 45 seconds before dropping down to 1500rpms. I'm not sure what to do about that or if I need to do anything about it. Third would be what kind of rpms should I be hitting WO. It has a 136"x 2" track and a hauck clutch kit. No pipes just a can. It runs just over 9000. Aty first fuel stop I put in 6.0 gallons and 87 miles which is better then I ever remember getting on my 06 attack I had. It is definitely a colder ride them my attack was though.
I have some warmers that wont work at the high setting...if I back them off a little they work fine...odd.

There are a few things that can cause a high idle...too rich or lean (usually too lean), need to adjust fuel screws, bad some searching on this forum you will find all the info you need.
I noticed my warmers are doing the same thing this year, I had them cranked and my hands were cold so I backed them off a bit and they ended up working again....very weird, but they work! Mine will idle high at around 2-2500 for around 15 seconds or so then come back down to 1700. Mine is at a richer setting though.
