New member
Got tired of fighting the srx I had purchased a pair of skis off 2011 apex back in the fall but never got around to putting them on. Well a few weeks back I finally put them on with a set of dually carbide runners ,wow should of done that a long time ago. Darting is gone 100%. Changing these over has made it a new sled. I ride pretty aggressive and with the old skis I would fight this sled and after about 3 hrs running I would be exhausted. I would use the whole trail and out on the lake if I got into a heavily run area it would throw me around like someone shaking you from the collar on the back of your coat. Now I can shoot across the lake wound right out and i can take one hand off the bars and it tracks dead straight.i can shoot through the trails one handed and straight as an arrow. Best upgrade I've done by far. I can't count the number of close calls I've had with those old skis. I'd get tossed in the wrong lane in the corners only to have another sled coming at me or shooting down the lake at night at 100mph and the sled dart into a tire rutt from some idiot who thought it would be cool to take their truck out onto the lake and drive up and down the snowmobile trail. Now where I point the skis it goes effortlessly. No more sore shoulders and arms and it's a million times safer. So if ur still fighting ur srx I can tell ya this upgrade worked amazing for me.
New member
Which carbides? Woody's Doolies? Did you try them first on your old SRX skis? I wonder if it is the new ski or just the dual carbides that fixed your problems.
Our SXR's had the same ski's as you had, darting, heavy steer ect ect ect. I switched along time ago to the Apex saddless ski's. I am also running Woodies slim jim 6" carbide. On one of the Sxr's I swapped the trailing arm to the longer spindle from a Viper. This gives some lift and a little more ski pressure. I give two thumbs up to the slim jim doolies. Al
New member
The problem with going to the apex skis is that you loose an inch of ride height which can cause bottoming out a lot easier. I had a pair of 2011 apex skis on my srx last year, and your right there is no darting. I had single 6" cobra carbides on mine. They handled great, but didn't like the idea of loosing an inch of ride height, so I went back to the stock setup. Ya they dart a bit, but it's not bad if the front end is all tightened up!
New member
They are woody duallies and its awesome as for losing that inch of height i run groomed trails or heavily run lake trails and id gladly give up that inch to not have to fight the sled . plus dropping that inch isnt that noticable and if anything it helps me get little quicker through the corners.
VIP Member
You want to fix the ya go. You also get ski savers and shims for free. Best carbides ever!!
New member
My SRX and wife's phazer both have CnA Razor skis, and I will say its the best mod ive done, hands down. My SRX used to sink like a stone when in the deep, now with the extra wide skis (and almost 1 foot longer) she floats much better.
People dart in our ski trails
People dart in our ski trails