Well my sled has been running excellent. But today after a snow I went out and fired it up it started in 3 pulls like normal. I let it warm up for 5 to 7 min got on it to go and it back fired and blew the pto side pipe off the manifold. I thought the plugs were foulef so I cleaned them but it didnt help as it did it again. Any ideas
Replace the plugs with new ones, check caps for ohm reading to be in spec, rub thru on harness somewhere. I'm just rattling off what comes to mind.
Thanks. The plugs are new.. maybe 50 miles on them. The engine bay is full of snow. Im gonna drag it inside and dry it out and go from there
New member
My sled just did that and I found out that it had two broken wires from the stator. One wire from the pulse coil and one from the stator. It backfired so hard it popped the silencer apart from the pipe. Sadly though I took it to a shop because when I had this problem and I was trying to track it down it got really cold and I came down with a cold so I broke down and took it to the shop. I was on the right track, but it only took them about an hour to fix it so it was worth it to have it for the weekend. I had the sled running and I was trying to inspect wires and wiggle them to make the engine miss. I was close, but I gave up and it sounds like that's what the mechanic did and he test drove it and didn't have any problems with it. I'm still under the weather and haven't taken it out since, but maybe tomorrow since I had a 4 day weekend this weekend I'll get to try it out. Good luck and I hope this helps.
I cleaned plugs again ran fine for 20 min. Then pto side went cold. I pulled the wire up off the plug and it would start hitting. Is this a bad cap?
Sounds like it, does the cap rattle? You can test them too with a multimeter, should be 5k ohms.
does sound like a bad spark plug cap, you can test it simply with a ohm meter, unscrew it off the coil wire and it should show you 5000 ohm.
you can also just move the wires on the plugs and if the plug dropping goes to the center cylinder you know its the cap, they all fire the same so it doesnt matter where you put the wires on sparkplugs.
you can also just move the wires on the plugs and if the plug dropping goes to the center cylinder you know its the cap, they all fire the same so it doesnt matter where you put the wires on sparkplugs.
I tried moving the wires and changing plugs. It still only hits when you pull the cap off just a lil bit. I just had neck surgery and had a guy offer me 800 for the sled is that to cheap?
Yes, if its a clean sled, you'll get more next fall. But your in Iowa, so I don't know the market down there.
All coils fire at the same time, so you have to check everything from the coil to the plug. Bad wire, bad cap to wire connection, bad internals of cap.
Did you ohm out the caps?
All coils fire at the same time, so you have to check everything from the coil to the plug. Bad wire, bad cap to wire connection, bad internals of cap.
Did you ohm out the caps?