Going to rebuild the srx


Dec 6, 2005
Quick question: I will be rebuilding the SRX over the summer. My motor has 8000 on it and runs fine. Was reringed at 5500. Am I better off buying a NEW crank from YAMAHA or sending mine out to a place like Falicon or siminar to rebuild? I want stock like dependability and not interested in upping the HP. I know that stock they can run wide open for miles without incident, and since I'm taking this sled to Quebec next year along with my APEX, I want to make sure it stays together. I plan on using NEW OEM jugs and Pistons.
I can't imagine what a new crank would cost from Yamaha, if your worried about it have it checked out to see if it's in spec, I'm betting it is unless you think it moved and is out of time or balance. I'd mic the pistons and throw another set of rings in it. These are great motors that can pile the mileage up with proper maintenance. I'm finally gonna dig into mine over the summer also, for the first time. Just out of curiosity and peace of mind. Good luck

I hear ya! it still cranks out about 128 compression. When I did the rings the piston skirts were like new, I was amazed. I am going to do a complete teardown and rebuild of the sled so I wanted the motor to be as good as new. $$$ is not an issue. It already has Viper skid with OHlin rear, Wide front end with Viper arms and spindles and Viper spec Ohlins front. I might change the color scheme to all black with stock looking graphic in Silver.

Question remains: Is a rebuilt crank as good as a new OEM one?
I would think so, if done from a reputable shop. I had my crank redone by Hauck in 98 for the warranty claim, and it's lasted 15,000 trouble free miles so far. But that was just a pin and weld.
A new out of the box crank will run you about $14-1600 from Yamaha and I'm sure that if you called a reputable shop they could give you a quote on what new bearings installed and true and weld the crank back up would cost.I know the outside bearings alone are around $200 apiece.
cranks will last thousands and thousands of miles, they are on roller bearings. If the crank is checked out it and deemed good doesnt matter if it has zero miles on it or 5000, its just as good. Its not like the crank in your car where as the babbit bearings wear the surface and cleanrances become larger. roller bearing provide the least amount of friction.
