SRX help


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys,

I currently own a '95 phazer, great shape but seeking a faster sled. I was looking into the SRX lineup, my question to you guys is.....which year was/is best to buy(I heard and read the 2001 was a good year)....what should I be looking for when I go to purchase one....and before I get myself into an srx, any out of ordinary maintenance or mechanical issues I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance.

the only thing you have too worry about is the SRX is going to be a WHOLE lot faster than your phazer LOL!
Haha, I can see that....I tried out a viper and shes quicker then the old Any specific year I should look for or stay away from?
All years are good, 2000-02 are best, more HP, a bit lighter and they have the dual bulb headlight instead of the single. 98's had a problem with the cranks but I'd think most of them would have been fixed by now. You need to keep the powervalves clean and adjusted properly to prevent cable pull throughs.
I have a 99 with 18,500 KMS and still pulls like mad... re-did top end at 13,000 and could have easily re-used pistons/rings. if that tells you anything.

BUT, I just snagged an '01 with 3600KM on it as my new trail sled.

Ive never EVER had a PV pull-thru on my 99, but had 3 cables snap.

The guy i got my 2001 one from had pull thru's x2.... IMO the PVs on 2001's must have way less material in behind where cable attaches, as again my 99 has snapped several cables, not even a hint of pull thru

LESSON IS - clean your PV's often and you wont have pull thru or snapped PV cables
