New member
the other day i started my 2003 sx viper and noticed my high beams were still on from the night before, so i clicked them off. as soon as i did that my spedometer and headlight both went out and i couldnt get it to come back on. (my brake light is still working...). ive been told that i more than likely blew a fuse, but wouldnt that cause my brake lights to go out to? all the wires under my hood are wrapped in tinfoil but i noticed where the wires came loose from hood and were rubbing against the pipes so maybe it burnt and shortened out? if thats the case would my fuse still be ok? please any help would be appreciated

Super Moderator
Is this viper a er model with restart and reverse? If not there are no fuses on a standard viper. Sounds like a wire rub through shorting out like you said. Time to pull harness and give it a good once over. Do a search tons of info on this. If er the fuse block is inside sled right be r foot well tucked by battery.
New member
yes it is the er model. and my battery is in the back of my seat because there is no room for it after the pipes got installed