1999 Srx 700 not wanting to run


New member
Mar 12, 2014
Eau Claire WI
Hello, I'm having problems with my 99 srx I just bought three weeks ago. It has 4050 miles on it and the guy who I bought it from said he rebuilt it at 3700. I took it home and my pal and I rode it and were very impressed. I brought it home and a few days later I went to ride it a few days later. It started fine but when I tried to warm it up it kept on sounding like it was bogging out. If i didn't throttle it the rpms would plummet and it would eventually die. It still does this. This is my first srx, and i don't know what could be causing it to act like this out of nowhere. Any suggestions for things to look at or help in general would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.
Check if the choke is stuck on, otherwise I would start with cleaning the carbs.

Checked the choke, works fine, will work with the carbs, anything i should look for in particular or just a regular cleaning? Thanks for the reply by the way, its greatly appreciated.
Ya maybe before pulling the carbs try spark plugs. If you do clean carbs remove and clean both jets and the fuel inlets on each carb.
Will do, I replaced two of them because they were old and junky and I had spares, but ill make sure to check again. Thanks for the idea.
Being as you are new to SRX just want to point out what might be obvious. Choke has 2 positions, almost folded all the way back over for start and a half way point for warming. Flipped all the way to start then to warming position. Your problem could be from flipping it to off to quickly, some times it may take a few minutes before you can go to off and sled continue to idle. If you try to give it throttle in warming position it should foul a plug (or three). There are several carb cleaning "how to" write ups in the tech section.
The choke positions I see are all the way up which no choke and perpendicular to the top position which is fully choked. Is there a warming position I'm missing? If so, ill make sure to replace all three plugs again. Thanks for the idea and ill be sure to check out the tech section.
The choke positions I see are all the way up which no choke and perpendicular to the top position which is fully choked. Is there a warming position I'm missing? If so, ill make sure to replace all three plugs again. Thanks for the idea and ill be sure to check out the tech section.

YES....THERE IS A WARMING POSITION. Off and start position are opposite ends of lever travel, each being near parallel to dash, Something like 160-170 degrees apart. Warming is nearly perpendicular (standing straight out) something like 90 degrees from off position.
Ok good to know. The warming position is at 90 degrees perpendicular to the dash then? And there is a full choke position opposite of the off position which is straight up?
Here's how I start mine cold. Full choke till it fires, flip to half choke as fast as you can. Let it idle till rpm's drop to 1100-1200, flip choke off, rpm should come back up to normal idle rpm. May have to repeat the half choke bit once or twice depending on temperature. I never touch the throttle during any cold start with the choke on, that gets expensive at $4 to $5 a plug.

If your plugs are not fouled, you have plugged pilot jets. Clean carbs throughly.

Congrats on your purchase, enjoy.
Let me make sure I'm understanding. I might have fouled a plug because I let it ride on the warming position?

If you're riding with the choke partially open, yes you'll likely foul a plug or three.

But if it will idle above 500 rpm on half choke after warm you have other issues (i.e. plugged pilot jet).

For the record - Full choke to start, then half choke for about 3-5 seconds, then off. When really cold you may have to blip the choke to half a few times over a 30 second period but after that it should idle by itself depending on which pilots you have and where they're set.

I've never fouled a plug on my '01.
Okay, thanks, if it is a fouled plug at least its not something worse, and I'm cleaning the carbs anyways. Thanks for the ideas, and after running it it won't idle any higher than about 300 to 400. I'm thinking its the carbs because the choke seems to work fine.
Im not at home but ill snap a pic of mine that is bypassed when i get home. Im sure you can find loads of posts on here about tors ( i think in tech section too)

Dont get me wrong, i think its carbs thats the issue

But u can quickly and easily rule out tors in the meantime.

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I thought just to see if I could help, I took out the spark plugs, replaced one with what i had laying around, stuck them back in, and I started her up, with the full choke I just learned about. Started first pull, and idled at 1300 to 1500 rpms. Took it around the yard once, ran fine, not as good as it did, but it ran. I'll still clean the carbs, but its much better now. Guys with srx's, what do you have yours set to idle at?
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Ok, should I adjust that now or wait to clean the carbs? Also, what do you have your clutch engaging at? Thanks for the reply.
